Who need a wii with a DVD?


Feb 14, 2007
I been hearing for the past couple days that Nintendo might be coming out with a new Wii that you can watch DVDs too. Why do you need a Wii with DVD playback? Its 2007 99% of the population has a DVD player in their house also DVD players are cheaper than the Wii console. That will drive up the price of Wii too. Here is the question Do you really need to have DVD playback on your Wii or are you happy the way it is?
Supposedly, with an update you could play DVDs on the ones right now. Whether its true and whether they would do it I'm not so sure.
really no one needs it especially people like me who have a ps3 and a wii, i can just watch blue ray movies!
It will put the price up slightly but it's only for Japan:

In a statement Nintendo confirmed that "in Europe (and the Americas), we have no plans for a DVD option either internally or as an accessory at this time. DVD players are now sold so cheaply and the penetration rate is so high that we did not think it was worth including [DVD playback] and raising the price of Wii."

Source - CVG

ezermb said:
really no one needs it especially people like me who have a ps3 and a wii, i can just watch blue ray movies!

But Blueray movies are a waste of time and cost more.... Just buy a normal DVD and I use my computer

Though I would like DVD in a machine [Easier for me] I think anything else [Music etc] is too far for a GAMES console
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Would be good if it would be playable just through an update. Would be good for us owners and Ninty if they did to that. Put more strain on Sony too if ya ask me.

And to answer your question I don't think the Wii NEEDS a dvd player.. but people are lazy, and tight.. they prefer having a few things in one. I would personally love to have it be able to play dvds...wiis will sell with or without a dvd player..but it would help :thumbsup:

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