I'm Glad the Wii Cant Play DVD's and MP3's!!!!


WiiChat Member
Dec 11, 2007
I'm GLAD that the wii cant play DVD's and MP3's.

Nintendo are stricktly for gaming and nothing else, is that so bad? I mean we have DVD Players to watch movies, and computers, mp3 players ect for music.

Unlike Sony and Microsoft X-Box, they do use DVD players and Music and Games which is ok but it focuses away from the gaming.

I hope that the Wii never does attach DVD and Music Playback because then they'll focus away from the True Meaning of their company of Nintendo.


The Crashsphere
i agree with u but i dont think dvd playback would distract nintendo from gaming. but the reason why im glad theres no dvd playback is because the fact that the price for a wii would be higher. plus, playing dvd's in ur consel(s) wears it out. i used to play movies all the time on my ps2 but it just stopped reading ALL types of discs after 5 motnhs
I actually don't think the price of the wii would have gone higher at all. But, Nintendo is a business and understandably wanted to make the most money they possibly could selling each console.
^of course the price wouldve been higher. im not sayin like 70-90$ higher, but it would at least be 20$ higher
No it wouldn't have. Nintendo never had any plan on releasing the wii at a higher price than $250. And, putting in DVD support wouldn't have done much to change their minds. (Worse case scenario the price would have been $220 and they got rid of Wiisports)
I agree wholeheartedly about the DVD thing.....all that would do is drive up the cost and therefore the retail price of the unit (don't think it wouldn't, for those above, it's simple economics, Nintendo isn't going to give us a piece of additional hardware for free, that's all there is to it, cost per unit goes up, retail cost goes up), and as everyone and their momma has pointed out, the number of households in this country with NO DVD player is very low, we don't have to have one on the Wii too.

Now, is it nice to have the HDDVD and Blu-Ray capability on the 360 and PS3 respectively? Yes, and it's a big feature for those consoles in my opinon. But again, the number of people with an HDDVD/Blu-Ray player pale in comparision to the number of people with a standard, dedicated DVD player.
TiwazTyrsfist said:
The Wii can play MP3s...

They don't, they took it out and replaced it with the crappy formatted AAC. And yes, I would love to have a DVD player on the Wii or MP3 formatted, why can't we? The reason the price tag was only $250 was because of the features it provided. A crappy HDD, useless updates, horrible online, and more which I don't feel the need to list.
sarasota said:
I agree wholeheartedly about the DVD thing.....all that would do is drive up the cost and therefore the retail price of the unit (don't think it wouldn't, for those above, it's simple economics, Nintendo isn't going to give us a piece of additional hardware for free, that's all there is to it, cost per unit goes up, retail cost goes up), and as everyone and their momma has pointed out, the number of households in this country with NO DVD player is very low, we don't have to have one on the Wii too.

Now, is it nice to have the HDDVD and Blu-Ray capability on the 360 and PS3 respectively? Yes, and it's a big feature for those consoles in my opinon. But again, the number of people with an HDDVD/Blu-Ray player pale in comparision to the number of people with a standard, dedicated DVD player.
Also people are just starting to catch on with 1080i/p HDTV which they then would want to buy HD DVDs/Blu-Ray movies for as well and maybe get a seperate HD Player or either pay £250 (can't be bothered to convert, doing homework :p ) for a video games console devoted to gaming and can play movies becomes very costly after a while.

I can't make sense of what I just wrote...
Also a good percent of people already own a DvD player as it is. So why add an add-on that no one will probably even use? if wii did have DvD playback i probably wouldn't even use it because i Have a DvD player that works just fine.

Also true about the HDTV's more and more people are buying them but so far that only about 30% or so. So why add something that not every one can use. I for one still dont have a HDTV in fact i still own an analog TV i got when i graduated 7years ago and it still running fine so why should i upgrade?
D4L_Wii said:
I'm GLAD that the wii cant play DVD's and MP3's.

Nintendo are stricktly for gaming and nothing else, is that so bad? I mean we have DVD Players to watch movies, and computers, mp3 players ect for music.

Unlike Sony and Microsoft X-Box, they do use DVD players and Music and Games which is ok but it focuses away from the gaming.

I hope that the Wii never does attach DVD and Music Playback because then they'll focus away from the True Meaning of their company of Nintendo.

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umm right? dude the wii is a game system but i don't see why you wouldnt want those features I don't think its distracting from the gaming its just giving it more functionality
My $30 DVD player can play DivX and HD-DVD very well so I don't need CD /DVD playback on my Wii. The price would not go any higher if nintendo had decided to implement CD / DVD playback support. It's about the laser, nothing else. Maybe Wii is already capable of reading CD's and DVD's but the firmware does not support it. If they ever decide to enable cd / dvd playback, they should only release the new firmware that supports it. Just a thought...

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