Bye all im signing out for good

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An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code

Due to recent events (and people calling me raciest witch im only against Muslims) I have decided to leave wii chat for good you wii see me online ([shameless plug] mostly on my forum [/shameless plug]) it has been fun these past few months and I made a few people lol (I like doing that)

They say its best to go out with a bang
I leave you with the attached thumbnails.
Some random thoughts:
"If a person doesn’t eat rabbit do you call them a vegetarian, well don’t call me a racist" from my head
"If we all thoght alike wed be practicable and there’s always more than one way to view a situation" Motoko Kuasanagi Ghost in the shell
And lastly a song:
(Stands there for 5 mins) (Perhaps Frankenstein by the Edger winter group was not a good song to sing)


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Gonna miss you on the forum DarkPrinny. :( It sucks that members here couldnt respect your differences and views of others, later, hope to see you return. ;)
Who in the said you were racist? man don't leave this forum, you are an important member here!
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Just sign back in (for now) to see what going on
its a bit quiet in here now
dont forget you call allways vist my web page (im there mostly)
ps clcik on the cat pic to get the joke
In a thread that has subsequently been rumoved (due to its offensive nature) Darkprinny declared his hatred towards all Muslims.

As you would imagine this offended many members here and as a resort created a much heated debate. One that Darkprinny had no chance of winning, he then made this leaving thread.
Goodbye Drakprinny maybe one day I'll say ello to you. You made me laugh alot so thanks! Bye.
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just i hate Muslims
In one of my jobs there was one and we had a Jewish person there as well (he was funny) the Muslim did say that his god told him to kill jews
and there religion does state that all other religions are best dead where as all others state that its OK to get along with each other
did here one time about a woman being beaten to death for showing to much arm see was dragged outa her car a gust of wind blew her ghost costume (they look like ghosts) up to far
now does it sound like a good religion
any way I respect all beliefs that make sense (even Jedi and Klingon)
He basically said he hated muslims and that they're all muslims.

Dont really wanna get into all this again as nothing positive ever comes from these discussions of politics/religion etc, especially when there's no need for it on a Gaming forum :)
Homicidal_Gamer said:


Gonna miss you on the forum DarkPrinny. :( It sucks that members here couldnt respect your differences and views of others, later, hope to see you return. ;)

Couldn't "respect" his differences? o_O He wished death upon all Muslims. He somehow got it into his head that the Muslim religion is full of murderers and can't seem to get it through his head that a great majority of Americans are Muslim, along with millions world-wide who are honest and have commited no crime.

So, if it's a shame that I can't "respect" his racism and bigotry, then, so be it.

I, personally, don't think he is worth having a thread of his own and wish he would just stop typing already and leave instead of trying to get as much attention as he can.

So, Prinny, GO!
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