Call of Duty 3


Jun 18, 2006
Houston, Tx
Wii Online Code
What do you guys think of those 2 pictures in the gallery?

Theres the one where the guy is holding the Wiimote and Nunchuk like a rifle. I think if we were to try to hold the end of the "gun" (Wiimote) like you would a real rifle, you would end up titlting the Wiimote more upward towards the ceiling. I would think that if you tried to hold the Wiimote like that towards the TV your wrist would cramp up and ache after a while.

And the other picture with the guy holding the Wiimote and Nunchuk like a steering wheel driving the tank. I just think that looks kind of weird and dont know how it would work with the Wiimote not even pointing to the TV. Cool concept but...I dont know.

Your opinions?
i don't think the guy holding the wiimote has anything to do with the screenshot next to him. They just put random screenshots right next to the guy.
They took a picture of a person holding a Wii remote and stuck it on a screenshot. As for the graphics? Awful.
DragonM3D said:
What do you guys think of those 2 pictures in the gallery?

Theres the one where the guy is holding the Wiimote and Nunchuk like a rifle. I think if we were to try to hold the end of the "gun" (Wiimote) like you would a real rifle, you would end up titlting the Wiimote more upward towards the ceiling. I would think that if you tried to hold the Wiimote like that towards the TV your wrist would cramp up and ache after a while.

And the other picture with the guy holding the Wiimote and Nunchuk like a steering wheel driving the tank. I just think that looks kind of weird and dont know how it would work with the Wiimote not even pointing to the TV. Cool concept but...I dont know.

Your opinions?

Er...question, why do you think the remote has to be pointing at the television? Just wondering. Oh and these are PROMO pictures, this is to hype the game, same way you don't need to jump around the room to play Wii tennis, simply a flick of the wrist will do it. But you try making a tv advert where everyones just sitting down and flicking their wrists slightly, yeah, it would suck wouldnt it.

Both of those positions are perfectly possible and the Wiimote controller contains sensors that work independantly to the sensor bar on your tv.
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Taero said:
Er...question, why do you think the remote has to be pointing at the television? Just wondering. Oh and these are PROMO pictures, this is to hype the game, same way you don't need to jump around the room to play Wii tennis, simply a flick of the wrist will do it. But you try making a tv advert where everyones just sitting down and flicking their wrists slightly, yeah, it would suck wouldnt it.

Both of those positions are perfectly possible and the Wiimote controller contains sensors that work independantly to the sensor bar on your tv.

Answer... When you are playing a FPS game, to shoot someone you have to point your crosshairs at them right? So I am only to assume that you have to point with the Wiimote at what your aiming for on the TV, and for extended periods of time I just think that would really hurt your wrist.

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