Controller Options grow

Veiron said:
you can't fit all of those games on Flash memory, can you? QUOTE]

There's obviously a limit to how much you can hold, but with the USB ports perhaps they will allow flash or other external memory storage? Old games are pretty small. For reference I've got some NES roms here the biggest of which are half a megabyte. N64 games will be orders of magnitude larger, anyone know how much?
The Wii has internet access, so my guess is there'll be a monthly fee for that, and access to the Virtual Console service may be included as part of it.
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For reference I've got some NES roms here the biggest of which are half a megabyte. N64 games will be orders of magnitude larger, anyone know how much?

I'll go out on a limb and speculate based on your nes roms, i have some gba (snes basically) roms that run 5-6 megs so the n64 roms would prolly be at least 18-20

with the 512 meg built in and two expansion slots for SD cards (which can hold up to 4Gig now i think) there is plenty of room in the system if you want to spend a little extra money.

re monthly sub: i actually think i would like to pay by the game and keep it forever, rather than monthly and run the risk that they protect the files in some way and if you cancel your sub you can't play them anymore. though monthly you could afford to try out some games you know nothing about and you don't lose anything if you don't like them.
I haven't seen that screen yet, very cool! But... I don't think I could see Nintendo producing that. The gun attachment, yes, but not this. It looks like all the controls are doubled up, the remote and controller's buttons and the same... so this looks fake.
The more that I find out about the Wii - the more awesome it seems. Nintendo really caught Sony on the back foot with something innovative !!! The pictures just demonstrate how much time Nintendo spent thinking about the controller and designing it from the bottom up... unlike Sony who are fast turning their controller into a mess... I am becoming addicted to the movie on the web showing the controller in action ( good job Nintendo...
wii-gaming said:
The more that I find out about the Wii - the more awesome it seems. Nintendo really caught Sony on the back foot with something innovative !!! The pictures just demonstrate how much time Nintendo spent thinking about the controller and designing it from the bottom up... unlike Sony who are fast turning their controller into a mess... I am becoming addicted to the movie on the web showing the controller in action ( good job Nintendo...

Great website you found! Daily updates and nicely categorized videos!
actually I think a firm announcement should come early summer, maybe even end of june, I mean if they announce it like late july early august, isn't that a little close to the fourth quarter anyway?
The GCN controller attachment is definately fake, it came from the Wii section at IGN a few months back. They diddn't even make the image to spread rumors, they admited that they had made it outright.
there are currently 3 atachments for the Wiimote that i know of and i saw them in an e3 screenshot. One is the nunchuck, one is the classic controler and the other is a handle thing that attaches to the controler to turn it into a light gun.
That is awsome it looks like they are going to be offering a ton of different options for playing games which is great becasue people like choices.
phimuajedi69 said:
Just found this pic in the gallery, now there are two add-ons to the wiimote, the gun and a cube controller-like attachment!


That brings the different controller options up to what 6? wiimote, gun attachment, classic controller, cube attachment, regular cube controllers (don't know if these will work on wii games, but if they made a wiimote attachment with the layout then prolly), i guess we can assume the dk bongos will still work....

whats next? a steering wheel for the racing games? a hilt for swordfighting?

though i hate to put a little rain cloud over the wii right now, it looks like though the system is going to be pretty cheap nintendo wants to really make that back by selling as many different controllers as they can.

A WiiSword would be kick-ass!
hey can some one answer this for me: my freinds said that with the wii remote u can hold it horizontal with too hands and use it as a steering wheel type thing, is this true?
Jesse said:
Thats one of the biggest questions on everybodies mind. How much will the games for the virtual console cost. I wish I knew but the fact is that we wont know nothing until Nintendo releases some information to us ><;

From my understanding, the pricing will be:

NES $2-3
N64 $10

From what I have heard, there is no fees for online.