Yes, i know i went I went missing again, but i have somthing to make up for it this time. I came back with a [LEGITIMATE] darkrai that i'm willing to give away for free, nothing in return necessary [and yes, it will have the enigma berry still attached].
I'm going to do this like the lottery. people post their original trainer ID of the game THEY ARE CURRENTLY PLAYING [no restarting to cheat]. and whoever's number is closest to mine from right digit to left, after leaving this thread up for a week, gets it.
Here's how it'll work.
People who want the legit darkrai post here the trainer id and name they play on. simple as that.
Example of mine:
*Inori* - 0473 4271 8369
When i announce whoever's closest, you will be *required* to show me a full set of 6 pokemon from different areas in the game matching your name and trainer ID# that you have caught.
Good luck to everyone, i promise to check this thread daily. i'll keep it open a week so hopefully everyone who wants one can enter. please dont post a lot of things here besides your name/trainer id, PM me if you have questions. thank you.
P.S. i'd like tosay i'm sorry for the battle i missed while i was gone,and a really big sorry to wario, i hope i didnt make you miss out on anything. i hope i didnt inconvience anyone from my absense, but i'm not prepared to read 91 pages to see if i did [i wonder why pokemon gives the biggest spam? thats a lot of pages, here's hoping i didnt ruin his chance]
Good luck, and i hope this is a good way for me to say i'm sorry
I'm going to do this like the lottery. people post their original trainer ID of the game THEY ARE CURRENTLY PLAYING [no restarting to cheat]. and whoever's number is closest to mine from right digit to left, after leaving this thread up for a week, gets it.
Here's how it'll work.
People who want the legit darkrai post here the trainer id and name they play on. simple as that.
Example of mine:
*Inori* - 0473 4271 8369
When i announce whoever's closest, you will be *required* to show me a full set of 6 pokemon from different areas in the game matching your name and trainer ID# that you have caught.
Good luck to everyone, i promise to check this thread daily. i'll keep it open a week so hopefully everyone who wants one can enter. please dont post a lot of things here besides your name/trainer id, PM me if you have questions. thank you.
P.S. i'd like tosay i'm sorry for the battle i missed while i was gone,and a really big sorry to wario, i hope i didnt make you miss out on anything. i hope i didnt inconvience anyone from my absense, but i'm not prepared to read 91 pages to see if i did [i wonder why pokemon gives the biggest spam? thats a lot of pages, here's hoping i didnt ruin his chance]
Good luck, and i hope this is a good way for me to say i'm sorry