Im back guys!


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hey members, sorry to bother you with this, but i thought that id tell you im back after a long time (it seemed). Sorry for my absence, any of you, i was just a little busy.
You see, i was in hospital for almost 4 weeks. But im out, thank goodness.
I was just very, very sick. Lets leave it at that.

By the way hows the site? Hows the new members and the news? I supposed it was crazy here during the Nintendo Convention, lol.

But im back and i will hopefully be eagerly posting away in the forums with you guys :).


(ive also noticed that my name was highlighted in red, why was that?)
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I dont really wont to explain it, it is a disease that really affected my precious time. Expecially NOTHING
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  • #6
Could anyone explain why my name was red, then all of a sudden gone?

it must be me, or is it becuase of this ?

MMCD 's name is higlighted red as well (second post on the right)? i dont understand?
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  • #8
my name is back to normal, look at the link for another strange example.
Diomedes said:
Could anyone explain why my name was red, then all of a sudden gone?

it must be me, or is it becuase of this ?

MMCD 's name is higlighted red as well (second post on the right)? i dont understand?
that happens when threads get old. i dunno why tho. i0n explain... :crazy: jk
Diomedes said:
ok, will wait for i0n's explanation

to be honest, the disease was all in the ears. Lost both so i had to get cochlear implants. Ones activated and the other will be in two weeks.

You lost your ears? or you mean the implants are for hearing? Which ever it is its terrrrible man :wtf: sorry to hear it
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  • #12
Its All Better Dont Worry Guys
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