Deadly Creatures a chicks game?!?


Wii Fanatic
Dec 31, 2006
Wii Online Code
I bought Deadly Creatures ,and Dead Rising CTYD with some income tax money ,and some money my wife gave me for V-day.

Needless to say i only got a chance to play DR due to some crazy stuff that went down today.

After dinner my wife took over the TV ,and she popped in Deadly Creatures ,and shes loving it. I havent even tried it yet.

Shes normally the Mario/Tetris kind of gamer so its strange to see her get into something like this. Hell i bought Kung Fu Panda 2 months ago for her ,and she hasnt even touched it yet. I've played it more than her lol.
To each his own or how ever it goes. That doesn't technically make it a chick game. Maybe she just liked the concept of the game
I dont think chickens can hold the controller right as there beaks/ talons are to small
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i meant it being a chicks game as a joke to how surprised i was that she was getting into it.

Time to get her to play No More Heroes then lol
You just never know. Back in the day SWMBO liked Tetris and Ninja Gaiden. She also enjoyed Super Mario Brothers just didn't care for Legend of Zelda. These days, it seems to be GH:WT and more recently RB2.
You just never know. Back in the day SWMBO liked Tetris and Ninja Gaiden. She also enjoyed Super Mario Brothers just didn't care for Legend of Zelda. These days, it seems to be GH:WT and more recently RB2.
Real Bout 2 is on the Wii?
Lol, take Prinny's comments with a pinch of salt:lol:

I think you should of avoided DR but nice to hear DC is reaching out to everyone.
Lol, take Prinny's comments with a pinch of salt:lol:

I think you should of avoided DR but nice to hear DC is reaching out to everyone.
Disco Revolution?
The Dreamcast was made for every one

Im better with curry power cause them im explosive
Well, games that appeal to all ages and genders are usually some of the best (Super Mario Bros., Zelda, Tetris).
In fact, now I'm more interested in Deadly Creatures, I hadn't payed it much attention before.
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I didnt pay any attention to deadly creatures until a month ,or less before release. When it was announced i thought it was going to be stupid until i started listening to the developer interviews.
Deadly Creatures looked alright, just never interested me really.

Will have to look into more I guess...
i agree, it just doesnt look like a good game to me. it seems dumb, you fight giant bugs and stuff right? Thats how i see it.....

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