Do you regret buying a Wii?

King of Pop

Platinum Lord
Mar 27, 2009
Chicago, Illinois
Wii Online Code
I do.... the internet is free but the games kinda suck.... I want a PS3 really badly but I dont know if the Internet will cost.

What about you guys
hell yeah
i want a 360 however but internet is only $60 a year
i think ps3 is free
ill check
ive had my wii since xmas and i love it
and before u all say, well duh ur a girl
i just wanted to say my bro and alot of my guy mates thnk its awesome
animal crossing rocks
and they should bring out a sims game thts like the computer sim games not like the ''sims pets 2'' or ''my sims'' or wateva... boo!
we like the partys, hot tubs and sex - i mean isnt tht the whole point of it?
I don't regret it! I can't wait to go to college and make some new friends so we can play together. oh man!!!
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ive had my wii since xmas and i love it
and before u all say, well duh ur a girl
i just wanted to say my bro and alot of my guy mates thnk its awesome
animal crossing rocks
and they should bring out a sims game thts like the computer sim games not like the ''sims pets 2'' or ''my sims'' or wateva... boo!
we like the partys, hot tubs and sex - i mean isnt tht the whole point of it?
what do you mean sex?
ds leader I think we need to have a man to man talk ;p

i like my wii bit i wish they would put some more on-line games but i like how it brings everyone together in my house so we can all play Wii fit
No...a lot has been made of the crappy graphics and some stupid games. I do agree that there are games that suck but I am happy for the most part. I have fun playing Mario Kart and Tiger Woods and the graphics aren't holding me back at all. The whole point of a system is enjoyment and replay value and with this I am happy.
Even though i havent touched it for 2 months.....I dont regret it
SSBB was worth it =]
And it was fun At first to experience something diffrent

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