Farewell :(

Lord Haku

I have returned
Jul 3, 2006
Village Hidden in the Mist
Wii Online Code
Well I say this with great sadness I am leaving Wiichat.com. The reason you asked? Recently I have been very busy I have to a summer course and also have a job that to think about it. To get caught up on these things I will have to leave here. I am sorry that this had to happen but it must I bid you all farewell fo rhte last time. To ssbb lover I leave the legacy of Haku gaming carry on the tradiation my friend long live Naruto. :( If I can find time to do this without putting other things off I will try to return goodbye
You don't have to leave all together. I work full-time 8 1/2 hours per day and go to school part-time and I still post every now and then :p It's just about timing it correctly.

Within a few years I'll be pre-med, engaged, working and living on my own and I'm sure I'll still probably post. The important thing is to not put the internet before responsibilities. It's all about prioritizing :)
~Marisa~ said:
You don't have to leave all together. I work full-time 8 1/2 hours per day and go to school part-time and I still post every now and then :p It's just about timing it correctly.

Within a few years I'll be pre-med, engaged, working and living on my own and I'm sure I'll still probably post. The important thing is to not put the internet before responsibilities. It's all about prioritizing :)

Exactly. If you use your time wisely I guarentee you can find a few minutes to spare to jump back on here and just look around. You don't have to leave altogether.
I, as my post count will testify, have not been here long but I can say in earnest that Lord_Haku was one of the people that made this forum great and welcoming. I certainly will miss him (I assume Lord_Haku is male 'cos of the "Lord" but with the internet who knows). And if we 800 "new guys" can be half the forum posters Lord_Haku was I can't imagine a better forum.

Also ssbb_lover best of luck with Haku Gaming (Or will it now be ssbb_lover gaming?)
Sorry to see you go Haku, but I guess you have your reasons. Hopefully if you manage your time right like Marisa said you can pop by every once and a while.

Sadly now September's almost here we're going to have more people leaving or having to spend much less time here (I start year 3 of university next month, so I'll probably have a lot less time to spare). Anyway, hope we see you again!

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