Favourite Quote?

this one is a good one

"winners never quit and quiters never win" -Michael Jordan

"save the trees, kill the beavers!!!"- ?????
LOL, bohr was an idiot. haha. Orbits....pah

edit: you're going into or are in astrophysics? I THINK I remember you saying that some time.
One of my favourite quotes is listed in my signature..

"The only thing you have to fear is fear itself" Roosevelt
heres another one

and heres another one
In tennis the addict moves about a hard rectangle and seeks to ambush a fuzzy ball with a modified snow-shoe. ~Elliot Chaze

One of them anyway....
Brawny said:
LOL, bohr was an idiot. haha. Orbits....pah

Well it looks like Bohr was right, because so far no "hidden variables" have been in quantum mechanics to support Einstein's view.

you're going into or are in astrophysics? I THINK I remember you saying that some time.

Yeah, I'm in astrophysics. About to start the last year of my course.
LOL, yeah...Einstein's inability to accept the Heisenberg uncertainty theorem proved to be his fatal flaw....nobel prize for photoelectric effect.... >.>

Shrodinger FTW!

Ah, I am still debating my major for next year. Do I go into applied, or pure sciences. Arghhhh. Astrophysics and theoretical physics intrigue me, but I think I'll go into Engineering.
"If i were educated, i'd be a damned fool!"
-Bob Marley

"Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall!"
-Ronald Reagan

"Where's your face?? Oh yeah, it's right there on your face!"
-My Dad

"Don't touch that dial, and if your tv still has a dial you should get a new one."
-Steven Colbert

just a few of my faves :D
Heres my favorite.

"Are you growing a new head, oh nevermind that's a zit"
"Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy." - Walt Disney

Woot! 3,000 post :D
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