First Person Shooters

Wiichats Idiot Identifier
Jul 12, 2007
I forgot how to look at a map.
Wii Online Code
So, because that Which Game Should I Get FAQ is kind of outdated. I want to get wiichat's opinion.
Now i want to get a First Person Shooter, and i've played MP3 and i found it to get boring after a while. What first person shooter should i get other than that though? Heres what i know of. . . .
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 - Wifi is great
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition - Fun

But those are the only ones i've heard of, and i'm looking towards replay value and fun. Can you guys help me out?
ghost squad if you like the arcade shooters, links crossbow, if u want a 3rd person shooter, battalion wars II
first of all re4 is not a first person shooter. i would definately recommend MOH:H2 if you have wi-fi.COD3 is not that bad either, though the controls are not that great.other then that i dont see anything to buy.
Best one besides Metroid Prime 3 is Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 for sure.
Online is the one thing that makes that game great.
ghost squad isn't's on on rails arcade shooter.

mohh2 ftw. best online play hands down.
Since res evil is a FPS and you seem to like war give BWii a try. It's like quake wars for the Wii.
T3kNi9e said:
I here ghost squad is extremely short

really? i never heard that. but seriously that game is really funny. might be my next rental.
AoWFraggit said:
ghost squad isn't's on on rails arcade shooter.

mohh2 ftw. best online play hands down.
ghost squad-you shoot things in first person view
Dkw0101 said:
ghost squad-you shoot things in first person view

actually AoWFraggit is right here. in an FPS you can see the gun but in an on rails shooter you cant. but i guess its basically the same thing minus the gun and the free walking.
Hands down- for online play, MOH2 gets my vote.
I prefer the story line (ie. no wifi play) to RESIDENT EVIL UC over all others. The graphics are high caliber like metroid- and Killing zombies is more fun than nazis or aliens. i didn't like the fact that it was a rail shooter, but eventually it grew on me.
get mohh2 for endless hours of online pwnage. its an awesome game. ghost squad is too short. about three stages or so.

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