New to Wii, competitive 1st person shooters?

m lobotomy

WiiChat Member
Jan 4, 2008
Hey all,

I'm new to Wii, and to be honest, virtually new to gaming as the last time I had a system SuperNintendo was all the rage. Yeah, I'm out of date.

So, the last time I played a video game was 1997 and Goldeneye was a big deal. I used to love this game, and I was wondering if there was anything out there for the Wii that was similar?

I've heard that Metroid 3 is the only good 1st person shooter on the Wii and that Medal of Honor II is ok, but still no competitive, player vs. player, split-screen type of mode like Bond: Goldeneye had.

Have I been mislead? Is there something out there that I'm missing, or is something on the imminent on the horizon? Is the player vs. player 1st person shooter a thing of the past, a fad that happened to be hot when I was last playing a video game?

Thanks in advacne for your advice/help.
if you have wifi get medal of honor heroes 2 its got 32 player battles its awesome and if you want a single player game get metroid prime 3
MP3 (metroide prime 3) all the way this games graphics are the same as ps3 games... not kidin and it's so fun and addictive and you grapple you flick your nunchuck forward and back and for some doors you pull the wii mote away from the TV than turn clockwise and push it's so fun!!!
But if you want just shooting then MP3 could be little bit stressful because it's kinda difficult to enjoy casually. I don't know what game Goldeneye is like because I've never played any non-pc game before I got my Wii on march. But MOH sounds pretty good. about resident evil?
metroid prime 3, metal of honor heroes 2. i found red steel fun, although hard. far cry got poor reviews, but i like it for some reason.

oh and another one i forgot, resident evil 4 is awesome, and RE: Umbrella Chronicles is also really fun, especially with the zapper, although that takes some getting used to. i think umbrella chronicles has multiplayer, but i dont know what its like, since i haven't tried it.
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travZEman said:
metroid prime 3, metal of honor heroes 2. i found red steel fun, although hard. far cry got poor reviews, but i like it for some reason.

I liked red steel too despite the control issues. When everyone complained that the control was crappy, I was like people, it's just that you guys need more practice... But now that I've played metroid, I don't ever want to play that game again.. :p
i don't really think there is anything like goldeneye on the wii but i am sure there will be. i wish they would just remake it change a few things and update the graphics but keep the game basically the same
call of duty should have been amazining but woz bobar control wize. golden eye was just one of them games that was made by people that loved n64
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thanks for the replies.

looks like I'll have to check out MOHII and Metroid. I think the last time I said the word Metroid, Regan was still president :tard:

are their rumors of more games soon to come out?
medal of honor: heroes 2

THE fps to get on the wii. metroid doesn't really count as a real fps...
You should get an Xbox. They have alot of FPS with split screen. Plus all the best FPS are on Xbox. I guess considering Golden eye was a frantic style of shooter with lots of strafing and shooting Halo would be good for ya.
T3kNi9e said:
I guess considering Golden eye was a frantic style of shooter with lots of strafing and shooting Halo would be good for ya.

ummm, no. Goldeneye was one of the first FPSs with a significant stealth aspect and more varied mission objectives. (Which went beyond the contemporary "Doom-type" games.) It was NOT a frantic shooter at all. :wtf:

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