General Forum Suggestions

Why dont we make it where there is no post count increase in ANY forum

problem fixed
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  • #557
AndThen? said:
I agree, I didn't think that the Off Topic section would increase your post count. However, I feel that there are a lot of threads in there of some substance. I advise the creation of a subforum (not called spam section, because that would be too difficult to maintain, but something along those lines) which does not increase your post count.

Introduction thread should not increase your post count.

I've requested that it be called "The Water Cooler".
Syntax said:
I've requested that it be called "The Water Cooler".

Hilarious. Now go ban i0n and Mitch for weather threads.

Just drop the post count from the lounge and allow such topics no need for a off topic section with post and another more off topic section without posts.
WE WANT A ****IN' RPG GAME!!! it doesnt have to be posts that give you gold and such.. it could be... uhh... like,... idk. :(
Sovieto said:
WE WANT A ****IN' RPG GAME!!! it doesnt have to be posts that give you gold and such.. it could be... uhh... like,... idk. :(
Whod want that EPIC FAIL of a game back on here
Every body bar me was Dark Night charicter class (I was samurai)
Damn it it took forever to get any weapons

NO! Your 11,000 post count makes you sexy according to my friend.
Its overly sexy then
11709 and countin
Cpt.McCloud said:
Hilarious. Now go ban i0n and Mitch for weather threads.

Just drop the post count from the lounge and allow such topics no need for a off topic section with post and another more off topic section without posts.

that is an excellent point, why not just drop post couns on the lounge

that way, people won't have to figure if they post topics in the lounge or the water cooler area

because they essentially are the same, subforums for off-topic threads
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  • #565
The Water Cooler would list a message underneath the section regarding what goes into that section. Furthermore, I could easily write a thread in the lounge and sticky it in regards of what people can post in those sections.
Syntax said:
The Water Cooler would list a message underneath the section regarding what goes into that section. Furthermore, I could easily write a thread in the lounge and sticky it in regards of what people can post in those sections.

You could. But you're just splitting hairs. Two off topic for 'off topic' and another for 'off off topic'. It is pathetic...We only need one, so drop its post count and let us continue.
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  • #567
The lounge is for general discussion of anything as long as it's not spam. There is no need to merge the lounge with a "spam section" in my opinion. It takes little to no time to add a new section and I see no problem in adding it above the lounge.
Syntax said:
The lounge is for general discussion of anything as long as it's not spam. There is no need to merge the lounge with a "spam section" in my opinion. It takes little to no time to add a new section and I see no problem in adding it above the lounge.

Did you just totally contradict yourself...
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  • #569
When I say "spam" I mean threads such as:

- "The ____ Fan Club"
- "What did you eat today"
- "What's your fav colour?"
i still don't see why those latter two are considered spam-_-

just looking at the lounge's 3 most recent threads

post your desktop-i really do not know which one this belongs to
the what are you thinking about thread-okay this has been discusses and is spam, but it's still unlocked in the lounge......but okay
the ask anyone anything thread-now this is where it gets really confusing, this imo, belongs equally in the lounge, the water cooler and board games

considering a lot of the rules are revolved making this place fun for youngin's, why would we make this place more complicated....

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