General Forum Suggestions


That Canucks Fan
Dec 27, 2006
Wii Online Code
Even though there may have been threads in the past which tried to accomplish this I believe it wouldn't hurt to give it another shot. Basically this thread is for posting changes and or stuff you would like to see added to this forum. Such as a new section or a section removed etc. Even though some of these ideas may get overlooked I believe it would be nice to hear from the community here at Wii Chat as to what they want. So to start I'll begin. Oh and also be sure to give reasons as to why you want something added or removed. Please don't say "remove this section because it sucks" or "add this section because it would be awesome". Also feel free to agree/disagree with any of the suggested topics. Just be sure not to put others down by saying stuff like "your idea sucks.." or "why should we care what you think"

Moderators: I just thought I'd throw these quotes from Prez regarding moderators in here..

Thanks guys, but the truth is, the staff already knows that we need more mods. Even i0n knows.
We already know of a couple people we will be making mods.
When i0n gets more active, we will be able to make this happen.

Also, just because you can't see us, does not mean we are not there. Lots of us are set to invisible.

Just for the record:

When I say that we don't need your help in choosing mods, I don't mean to be discouraging to anyone. We are always open to new ideas and I seriously recommend that if you are interested in becoming a mod to come talk to me.
Asking does decrease your chances in some cases, yes. But you are not going to get in trouble for coming to me with it.
Any time you guys want, just shoot me a PM. Mention that you are interested in the job, ask me what your chances are, what things you can improve on, etc... Just don't be angry when I tell the truth.
Obviously don't expect an instant response (school/work), but if you are interested I strongly encourage that you come talk to me. Odds are, sitting there and doing nothing is not going to help.

To put it simple:

* Creating stupid threads about how much WiiChat needs you = BAD
* Coming to me and having a productive conversation about what you can do to improve your chances = GOOD

Debate Section:

In my opinion I believe it would be great to see a debate section added to this site. With a debate section members could maturely discuss various ongoing problems in the world such as war and terror along with various political issues. I also believe that a debate section would encourage members to take more time when responding to mature topics. However with the debate section it would most likely be necessary that a section mod would have to be added to make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.

Graphics Discussion:

Over the last couple of months the activity in the Graphics section has decreased greatly with many graphics artists slowly disappearing from Wii Chat. So my suggestion would be to possibly make this section a sub section above the Lounge. Or at least clean up a few of the stickied threads.

Cars Section:

This section would be for the members here at Wii Chat who are car fanatics. This section would be a sub-forum located above the Lounge where members would be able to discuss various aspects of cars etc.

Tech Support:

I believe that it would make it much easier on people if we had a tech support section to address various technical issues which may not relate to Wii Chat alone. For example someone in this section could post questions regarding how to set up his or her ipod and or how to get iTunes working.

Homework Help:

Whether or not this is needed at the time it could come in hand for those of us who may be having troubles in school. Recently I graduated from High School and now am attending College which gives me quite a bit of spare time which would allow me to help out others with their homework. Also this would come in handy to those of you who may be stuck on a certain question etc. Whether or not this is necessarily needed at the time I believe it could come in handy later on as long as other members would find this useful and or have the time to help out others with their questions and or concerns.
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Syntax said:
Debate Section:

In my opinion I believe it would be great to see a debate section added to this site. With a debate section members could maturely discuss various ongoing problems in the world such as war and terror along with various political issues. I also believe that a debate section would encourage members to take more time when responding to mature topics. However with the debate section it would most likely be necessary that a section mod would have to be added to make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.

Homework Help:

Whether or not this is needed at the time it could come in hand for those of us who may be having troubles in school. Recently I graduated from High School and now am attending College which gives me quite a bit of spare time which would allow me to help out others with their homework. Also this would come in handy to those of you who may be stuck on a certain question etc. Whether or not this is necessarily needed at the time I believe it could come in handy later on as long as other members would find this useful and or have the time to help out others with their questions and or concerns.

Agreed with those two. Not much more I can say concerning this but these two sub-sections would be a great addition to our forum here. although we shouldnt add to many new sections though. this is still WiiChat so we shouldnt let sub sections over run the gaming sections.
hmmmm, im a sports freak, so i would like to see a seperate section for sports, not in the lounge, it'd be alot easier for sports fans to find the threads they would like to discuss their daily sports in........................................just my pinion
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hmmmm, im a sports freak, so i would like to see a seperate section for sports, not in the lounge, it'd be alot easier for sports fans to find the threads they would like to discuss their daily sports in........................................just my pinion

I for one would like to see a Sports discussion section seeing as we have quite a few sports fans here at Wii Chat.
yes, i think that section will be one of the most popular ones on this website
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For homework help it would be help for answering certain questions. Not doing your complete homework. Also one thing to keep in mind is that the rules may have to end up being a bit stricter in that section. Seeing as Plagiarism is a big issue members who would like to contribute and help out others would have to site their quotes and or information they may have found.
Eh I certainly wouldn't bother with a political discussion forum. Seeing how the average age around here is 16 I can't imagine any good discussion lasting a week without the topic being closed due to some individual immaturity. There are lots of places to chat about this stuff anyway.

Tech support is a great idea. Perhaps a computer gaming section would be useful too.
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As long as we have moderators frequenting the debate section it should work out fine. Also over time those who have contributed a lot to various debates could possibly be made into a section moderator. Thus getting rid of the irrelevant posts.

I've seen many people on the site who talk very intelligently in relation to politics/other debates. thatd work great.
I would love a sports section as well. That would be awesome.
Also maybe a Pop Culture section, all we can discuss that in some other sections :lol:, I was just trying to throw some ideas out there.

Wouldn't mind seeing the graphics section cleaned up a bit either, and be able to see who our designers are now.
I really like the sound of the Debate Section and the Tech Support Section. The Debate Section is great for a lot of serious discussions based on the changes which are happening around us every day.
The Tech Support Section could be used to help out a lot of newcomers with their problems, so I really welcome it.
I really love the Graphics Section, along with some other members here, so I really think that we should try and breathe new life into it before we discard it.
We need more Graphics Artists to get involved, so we can run our own SOTW competitions and such.
Other than that, I welcome any other changes that other members would like to see.
As I much as I like cars, I don't think we need a section for them. As mentioned before, this is a Wii community, so we should be focusing on that topic mainly, rather than other off-topic forum sections. All those suggestions could easily be put in The Lounge.
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As I mentioned before these sections would be sub-sections which could be found above the lounge. Also there are already 8 sections here at Wii Chat which specifically relate to Nintendo. Along with two sections which concentrate on the specific Nintendo News therefore I think it would be alright to add a few more sub sections. Seeing as they will most likely be out of the way already. Also these new sub-sections would possibly help us attract some new members.

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