Girl wii lover


WiiChat Member
Jan 13, 2010
Wii Online Code
Hey,i just got my wii last month and i love it, coming from my old ps2 that i still love but i love wii much more now. I bought about 6 games so far and looking to buy some online ones so that i can play with some people. My friend code is on my profile so add me. What wifi enable games do you love are the best?
I just got 2 new games. Okami and Muramasa: The Demon Sword
or something like that. Honestly I REALLY like them and I just started. Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World is pretty good to. These are all role playing games but are pretty good ^_^
Hey, Wildcat! yeah those are pretty good, but not really wi-fi, but I recommend Muramasa anyway if you like platforming and action!
Welcome to WiiChat!:D Please, enjoy your stay here.=P

Ahhhhhhhh, isn't it wonderful to meet new members!:lol:
Welcome to WiiChat Wildcat. An awesome Wi-Fi game is Mario Kart Wii if you don't have it already. The races are almost always lag-free.

Enjoy the forums!

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