Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.


ok great but i want to know when you are ready to play end how are you, i'm just curious i know, if you want we can talk on msn to see wats the best for playing togheter on goldeneye my msn is ([email protected])

i just added you on msn if you want we can talk a little bit before we gona playing?
Bored Noob

Tired of getting my butt kicked. Need to team up with some good players so I can learn better. Code is... 8226-6551-3164-7516
Friend code

My friend code for golden eye is 030203969591 also if it doesnt work any1 can text me or call me and give me their friend codes at 9156137146
Im pretty good level 50 tommorow I will put up my brother friend code for goldeneye but he is horrible cant even tell where a bad guy is when they arent using silencer idk if any of you will add him
Add Me, Will Kick Ass w/ U! 243088500074

Yo add me I'm a beast!! Lets whoop sum ass in team conflict!



Lets Go! Wut R u waiting for?

Level : 26

Username : P{0}RTAL

Style : Masscuring!


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