Grand Theft Auto on Wii


WiiChat Member
Mar 26, 2008
OK, so first of all, I know this has been beat to death, but do you honestly think it would be stupid for Rockstar to create a GTA game for Wii? Are you seriously trying to tell me that you wouldn't buy a Wii version of GTA, even if you already had GTA IV on PS3 or 360? If you say wouldn't buy it, then you're lying.

The fact is, that the entire control scheme would make people curious, and they would probably buy it just to have it. After all, as of 12/31/07, Nintendo has shipped over 20 million units worldwide, and has sold more units than PS3 and 360 combined in the US.

Honestly, I think it would be an idiotic financial decision for Rockstar NOT to create a GTA build for the Wii. I know I would buy it, and yes, you probably would too...even if just out of curiosity.
Putting GTA on the Wii is a great idea, and Rockstar would make quite a bit of cash. The Wii needs more games that aren't aimed at kids. Games like Scarface: The World is Yours and Godfather: Blackhand Edition. I don't have anything against the classic stuff like Mario or Zelda, but give me something where you can cut someone in half with a chainsaw when they cuss at you for walking down the street. Graphic violence isn't a terrible thing. :lol:
Seeing as how they made a new engine for GTA4 that touts (for once) on par graphics with other games out there, as well as improved AI and physics, they'd have to go back to the drawing board with a Wii GTA.

Then again, they went back to the original top down design for the GBA version, which is bloody brilliant.
So you never know.

I wouldn't be shocked if it went either way.
I'm not sure of the business side of things, but those PSP games (Liberty City Stories/Vice City stories) get ported to the PS2 so I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to see it coming to Wii.

I know the old philosophy was GTA was TOO mature for Nintendo, but we've gotten Scarface, Godfather, and Manhunt already. Nintendo finally saw the light...or the $$$.

But on a side topic, I love all sandbox/openworld games. I wish Nintendo would make their own sometime.
It is hopeless..
I think Rockstar would focus on more "adult" systems such as the 360.
Because making a Wii version would take more time to port over.
Which is why Oblivion never came to the Wii yet the PSP..Besides the fact that the Wii lacks memory.

Until the release of GTA4 will we know if it will ever come out on the Wii.
I would like to see it happend, but I think it would cost more money to develop then the sales it would pull in on the Wii
ckeegan said:
Are you seriously trying to tell me that you wouldn't buy a Wii version of GTA, even if you already had GTA IV on PS3 or 360? If you say wouldn't buy it, then you're lying.

Or you might just not be interested in the game. I player the top-down one on the Playstation and I played Vice City a couple of times. I didn't enjoy either enough to buy the game (or even rent it for that matter). If they think they can make money off of it, it'll get ported.

Band geek said:
I don't have anything against the classic stuff like Mario or Zelda, but give me something where you can cut someone in half with a chainsaw when they cuss at you for walking down the street. Graphic violence isn't a terrible thing. :lol:

No, not terrible. Throwing in a few burning couches and it'll be just like a WV after-game party.
How many times do people have to make these threads... You say "I know this has been beat to death" yet you still make this thread.

and honestly, no I would not buy it... Why buy a half baked Wii version if I have GTA4 on my 360.
T3kNi9e said:
How many times do people have to make these threads... You say "I know this has been beat to death" yet you still make this thread.

and honestly, no I would not buy it... Why buy a half baked Wii version if I have GTA4 on my 360.

not all people are fortunate enough to own all three consoles so people might just buy the wii version.
Here is my theory. After doing some research on why MGS$ was only on ps3, I found out that console producers Incourage exclusives so the licence fee is cheaper. Also there is the issue of it not selling as well as the other consoles. Wii owners dont see third parties as the main producers of games. This makes third parties think twice defore making games.

EDIT: I agree with what vashivihan said. Not everyone has every console and there are people that have wiis has there main console.
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to vash: No ****... But if you actually read something, he said:

Are you seriously trying to tell me that you wouldn't buy a Wii version of GTA, even if you already had GTA IV on PS3 or 360? If you say wouldn't buy it, then you're lying.
T3kNi9e said:
How many times do people have to make these threads... You say "I know this has been beat to death" yet you still make this thread.

and honestly, no I would not buy it... Why buy a half baked Wii version if I have GTA4 on my 360.

Not everyone can buy a ps3, or an 360. I would like to see GTA series on wii, Seirra perfected Scarface, it was geared towards adults, same with manhunt 2. so not everyoe can buy ps3 or 360 or all 3 consoles.
they capcom ports RE4 for wii, they did one hell of a fine job.

alot of people tell me oh nintendo is geaared towards kids but even kids play voilent game this day in age, times have changed since 1980.
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hal2814 said:
Throwing in a few burning couches and it'll be just like a WV after-game party.

Isn't that cute, a statement of ignorance. Oklahoma fan, perhaps? :lol:
ckeegan said:
OK, so first of all, I know this has been beat to death, but do you honestly think it would be stupid for Rockstar to create a GTA game for Wii? Are you seriously trying to tell me that you wouldn't buy a Wii version of GTA, even if you already had GTA IV on PS3 or 360? If you say wouldn't buy it, then you're lying.

The fact is, that the entire control scheme would make people curious, and they would probably buy it just to have it. After all, as of 12/31/07, Nintendo has shipped over 20 million units worldwide, and has sold more units than PS3 and 360 combined in the US.

Honestly, I think it would be an idiotic financial decision for Rockstar NOT to create a GTA build for the Wii. I know I would buy it, and yes, you probably would too...even if just out of curiosity.
actually 360 has sold more in america compared to wii sells in america from the stats ive seen. so.. yeah?
and no, controls couldnt justify the re-purchase of GTA on the wii. the wiimote isnt that fun.
castlezelda said:
Not everyone can buy a ps3, or an 360. I would like to see GTA series on wii, Seirra perfected Scarface, it was geared towards adults, same with manhunt 2. so not everyoe can buy ps3 or 360 or all 3 consoles.
they capcom ports RE4 for wii, they did one hell of a fine job.

alot of people tell me oh nintendo is geaared towards kids but even kids play voilent game this day in age, times have changed since 1980.

Are you blind? Did you not read the above posts? He said people who will already own GTA4 on PS3/360 would still buy it on Wii and claimed anyone who said they wouldn't is a liar. SO im saying that NO, I would not buy some halfbaked GTA game for the Wii just cuz it has a Wii-mote. Like Sovieto said, Wii-mote isn't that fun to warrant buying a game.

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