Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock

I am the guitar hero......rather my girlfriend is.....please bow in reverance
statue12 said:
Do you fancy a game on the battle mode?

what is your nick, i dont see statue12 =x so i logged off

please wait for me at the lobby! i will send and invite for a coop, then later maybe battle!
statue12 said:
I think it might be dowden, ill just go on now
alright. ill go on now as well then :lol: tired.

EDIT: no dowden in my list :( did you add me? i only have Matty and pete
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if u're pete, nice play! but u got to activate the star power as well! i was holding up my guitar all the time to wait for my starpower :lol:
You are amazing on the guitar fair play, i told you i was a noob sorry i missed so many notes, i was also wondering what that star power was about. Got any tips for me no way could i play as fast as you could.
statue12 said:
You are amazing on the guitar fair play, i told you i was a noob sorry i missed so many notes, i was also wondering what that star power was about. Got any tips for me no way could i play as fast as you could.

im still learning how to control my fingers properly! so im still the same as you, just that i have got used to 5 buttons.

about the starpower... you mean you have never used it before? :lol: it's like a boost. once u have starpower [u will have starpower when u have enough power at the light bulb (will be blue when there is starpower)] you tilt up ur guitar and then it will activate the starpower. it gives u 2X multiplier of what u originally have.. so 4x will become 8x. :yesnod:

edit: oh yes. also assuming that you are new to the game.. you're doing fairly well! i started off worse than that :lol:
Cheers i only got the game a few days ago, its really addictive. I can just about get used to the 4 buttons but i use my end finger to use the 4th button, but i cant get used to slinding up and down the neck on the guitar