Halo 3 for the wii

WHat system should halo 3 be for

  • PLaystation 3

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Nintendo Wii

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 39 62.9%

  • Total voters
I see the success of Halo really as a feat of advertising rather than gameplay. Just another FPS - with some witty dialogue, yeehaw. Don't get me wrong, I like a good FPS but I would prefer and expect to see Nintendo and the third parties coming up with new ideas rather than try to win over mediocre franchises from other consoles... consoles that would kill for a zelda, mario, metroid honest-to-goodness franchise. Will Halo be around in 20 years?
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ur insane dude all the advertisments in the world cant save a bad game halo was fun its as simple as that. it grossed more than most movies thats not hype or advertising and halo wont be around in 20 years because this is the last one but it will be remembered forever
never said it was a bad game. mediocre, and nothing particularly new... It's certainly popular, and I've had fun playing it.
Have you ever seen a game more advertised than halo 2?
Halo 3 will be the last one? I doubt it.
I don't hate halo or microsoft I just don't think nintendo will waste a second trying to get other console's franchise games (Halo being microsoft's only one worth mentioning) when they have a pile of their own that sell themselves.
glassonion914 said:
never said it was a bad game. mediocre, and nothing particularly new... It's certainly popular, and I've had fun playing it.
Have you ever seen a game more advertised than halo 2?
Halo 3 will be the last one? I doubt it.
I don't hate halo or microsoft I just don't think nintendo will waste a second trying to get other console's franchise games (Halo being microsoft's only one worth mentioning) when they have a pile of their own that sell themselves.

I played Halo but not Halo 2. I really didnt get into the game. The thing that saves the game is the online multiplayer matches.
Halo 3 on the Wii? Who knows. That said, I do remember back in the early nineties playing Super Mario World on the SNES and wishing I could play Sonic on the same system, and look what is happening with the virtual console. Maybe we will have to wait for the WIIII in 2015.
lol well i dont think it will b called the WIIII but who knows maby buy that time we have head sets we put on and it transports us 2 a virtual world, we kjust dont know
wiiii (wii 2) nope... probably not. Nintendo is and always will name their systems, not give them version numbers, I read that in a forum somewhere, and it makes complete sense, as their history shows.

No way would Halo come to Wii or any Sony, until MS decided to share the title, and until that day comes, the Xbox will sell very well with all the Halo fans around the world.

Each system has it's strong points and weak points, Halo is one of Xbox's strong points, Mario is Nintendo's. And we all know that Nintendo would never give away rights to their own characters, it just wouldn't make sense.
This is the 3rd thread he revived from 2006
lmao. I bought a 360 and halo 3 to see the big deal with the game. And I have to say, it's not even that great. Yeah a fun fps and all, but in terms of storyline or single player. I'd prefer MP any day.
So it will make up for itself in multiplayer? Well it's not bad, but Cod4 is beats it any day.
ZOMG. PS3 is so expensive.

Grow up. Get your parents to buy it. Tell them it plays this thing called Blu-Rays. I heard its from the future.