How To Get Reputation Tutorial


Slowly returning..
Feb 10, 2007
Portugal, Portimão
Wii Online Code
My second tutorial, cool :cool:

Be sure that you read the all tutorial.

Winning rep in this forum is something good, you become famous with large amounts of reputation in this forum. But getting reputation isn't easy, you need to work hard.

In this case getting reputation is getting respect, the more you get the more you will be respected.

In this forum we use the abreviation rep for reputation.

What is rep or How can I give rep?

Well here's two links, one for the Reputation Faq, made by i0n, and one for the Reputation Tutorial, made by Brawny:

The Faq is good for you to understand how the rep system works in this forum.

And the Rep Tutorial demonstrates how and where to give rep to a Wiichat member.

How to get Reputation from Wiichat members?

This is the big question, I'm going to give several suggestions:

1. Posting a lot is a something good, it shows to people that you are interested to share your ideas and opinions on this forum. But don't just post saying, for example: "Oh that's funny" or "Nah... that's not really worth it".
A good post is a post with good explanations, good opinions and good ideas. Using short words in most of your posts doesn't lead you to the best way to get large amounts of rep, unless if your the most valuable member on Wiichat, but you aren't, Darkprinny is.

2. Don't try to copy a member that is really apreciated on the forum, or else no one will like you, because you're not being you, you're not being original. Being original is something good to win rep. How to be original? Just be yourself.

3. Help a lot. Helping is really good when it comes to win rep. If you see someone asking for help, don't ignore him, just help.

4. Compliment your friends or other members, but do it by PM ( Private Message). Don't just compliment a person, saying: "you're really awesome" just to get rep, try to be honest.

5. Changing Signatures and Avatars is a very good way to win rep. If you're good at making sigs, change them randomly, this will show to people, that you're an artist (if you're really good) and shows that you're interested in Grafics, which is very cool. If you change them and you want people to see them and rate them go to the Rate the sig above you! w00t, a thread made by MarthMaster:

Or you can try other links below, in suggestion 6.

6. This is the best way to get rep in my opinion. Did you guess? Making a lot of sigs for a lot of people. It's really awesome to make a sig for someone, not only is good to the person you made, but also it shows your good work to other people. Here's an example, I made a sig for The_Loose_Cannon (our new moderator), because she asked me, and people will notice that you made a sig for a cool and famous Wiichat member, they will give you rep too, cool huh?

People will notice your work if you post them in these two links:

A Grafics Thread, made by ssbb_lover (showing that we need a Grafics Section :lol:), it is helpful for new members to make both avatar and sigs, and to put your work there:

And the another one that is good to show your work too, made by Mario_Famous:

Are we done? Nah... :crazy:

7. Making good tutorials like mine over here :))), not only will help new-comers in this forum, but it will show good and hard work for other Wiichat members.

8. And finally the last, make a good profile, and network with your friends, that is also a good thing not only for rep, but also for you to get more known.

Ok, we're done. If that was a good tutorial Rep me. :)))

Check My Other Tutorials too:

Where Are Your Friends And What Are They Doing Tutorial
Full Photoshop CS2 Sig Tutorial With Video Animation
How To Start A Good Thread Tutorial
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Nice job. I liked how you explained it in steps to make it easier to read. Nicely set out and easy to understand. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:
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Byuakuya said:
Nice job. I liked how you explained it in steps to make it easier to read. Nicely set out and easy to understand. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:

Thanks man :wink:

I'll try to keep up the good work. :)
Is a good tutorial. Maybe not of sticky standard, We have many Reputation threads already but it's certainly a good thread
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Wii_Smurf said:
Is a good tutorial. Maybe not of sticky standard, We have many Reputation threads already but it's certainly a good thread

Thanks :)

This tut is diferent because it helps you how to recieve rep, the other ones are just to explain how to give and how the rep system works.
Good work man looks pretty good, but my Public Service Annocument is wait no it isn't...I might as well post it now..I'll go find it....

:lol: I forgot how dodgy it was...that explains why I never showed it to anyone, until now.
Now, just to calm brawny down and keep him away from here.

Well done demonflairion!
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deity_link said:
Good work man looks pretty good, but my Public Service Annocument is wait no it isn't...I might as well post it now..I'll go find it....

:lol: I forgot how dodgy it was...that explains why I never showed it to anyone, until now.

Thanks :lol:

Cpt.McCloud said:
Now, just to calm brawny down and keep him away from here.

Well done demonflairion!

Thanks bear puppets lover :lol:
deity_link said:
Good work man looks pretty good, but my Public Service Annocument is wait no it isn't...I might as well post it now..I'll go find it....

:lol: I forgot how dodgy it was...that explains why I never showed it to anyone, until now.
I recon, instead of aloada tutorial threads, we have one thread with that kind of image ^ ^ ^. Would take up less space and does the same effect IMO. Good tuts nonetheless
demonflair said:
Thanks :lol:

Thanks bear puppets lover :lol:

Bear puppets lover?:scared:

have i missed something:lol:
demonflair said:
Yeah, it's in your make a story thread... :lol:

And one more thing:lol:

I'm the only 1 with 3 rep blocks not included in that:frown2:

you dissapoint me young grasshoper, i was gonna take you udner my wings as well:lol:
I still don't see why everyone is so enamored with this "reputation" business,
It's not like you can take it and redeem it for a cool prize at the Chuck E. Cheese prize counter.

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