Reputation (Little green dots) FAQ


Apr 30, 2006
If you're wondering what the little green blocks are just under your usernames they are reputation icons.

The reputation system is a way in which you can reward a member who has posted some information you find useful or has generally helped you on the forum.

Think of it as a gold star given to you when you were at school ;)

If you look at the bottom of each new post you will see this little 1up image (
). That is what you would click to add good or bad reputation.

By clicking that image you can either add postively or negatively to that members reputation. That would count as 1 point.

For every 25 points you receive you gain a green block and are awared a new reputation title (put your cursor over the green blocks to read).

To view how many reputation points you currently have you can view them in your user control panel here:
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #4
The grey blocks are from members who dont have enough reputation power on the forum or they've 'spent' it all up for the time being.

It's a way to stop everyone giving everyone tons of rep, each person is limited to how much they can give per day and some other factors.

Hard to explain
meh, i just went down 1 rep point o0
how come?
i havent gotten any negative rep recently
This is a great idea, Im glad you have reduced getting another green every 100 points etc. I cant wait to get my second green bar!
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
someone gave me bad rep for calling something cool!

Theres nothing i0n can do about that, Except stop Bad rep. However if people use it properly then this kind of nonsence won't happen :thumbsup:
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there are SO many posts about reps and now everyone asks questions because i0n has posted something. this isnt new information except that he changed the system from 100 to 25 to get the first green bar

anyways, we gotta get into the habit of using this for good people!
I like the new icon : - ).

i0n, this made me think about the little message I have at the bottom of my Control Panel.

It says: "Latest reputation received" and then it says a thread, and a comment.

It also has this next to it:

. What is it?
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dan99iel said:
I like the new icon : - ).

i0n, this made me think about the little message I have at the bottom of my Control Panel.

It says: "Latest reputation received" and then it says a thread, and a comment.

It also has this next to it:

. What is it?

the red dot is the indicator telling you that its a bad reputation left by an ananymous member.

green is good and grey is nothing because the member has no repuation power......
Wiired said:
Outta pure curiosity, if someone had say I don't know, -25 points (assuming that's possible) would they have red ones building up on the side <---- ?

it wouild be all red boxes at the top not all green boxes so yes they would get negative boxes building up

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