Reputation (Little green dots) FAQ

TortillaChip520 said:
it's not the size of the rep, it's the notion of the motion.
...Actually, it's the size of rep. I've gotten rep 5 times (all grays) for having so much rep. :/
a, i understand how rep workds now

i have i'de be needing 45 more points to get my light green one right?
Wiiman12 said:
Does one good rep makes 5 points because thats what I have.

No, it all depends on how much rep the giver has.

Say if I repped you, you would get alot of points if say celeste repped you, wouldn't get much rep.
Wiiman12 said:
Does one good rep makes 5 points because thats what I have.

To answer your question, every user starts out with five rep points.
Duoble red - News member

Ok so there has only been one person with two and he left durrin the dark time of this forum