Insomniacs assemble!!

omnomnom pikabrains

I'd prefer t' have some Miltank burgers or Bouffalant steak than some self-microwaving mouse meat.
Looking at Chinese MegaDrive games.

Angry birds is one
Its even worse

CD32 seems to get interesting when its hacked.
Keyboards? Floppy drives?

At least it was funny. Not sure if it was worth the $100 dollars spent on it.
It's been happening all frikin night Assassin. I don't know if it's worth the money in the end for a light laugh.
If you played tonight you would've seen what I was talking about, there was "anal request", a Lord of the Rings reference of "The one to rule them all" or something and a lot of other stupid crap like that, since it's been on sale for 50% off.
The ring is on sale, that explains it. I logged in for a quick game and saw the Mann co sale started, but didn't notice the ring .
Going to start doing more playing games videos.

100th Youtube video coming up, choice of two

Getting faster are arty things

View attachment 10512
Play Pokemon for the arses
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lawl pokepedos

After more than a decade of punishment 'n punishment-dealing, my beloved bokken has finally been worn the hell down. Need a new one. thnx 4 da memories

I am sadface.
I broken my bokken years ago, now only used to threaten
There was some girl walking round dressed as "White" last weekend.

I would...................