Is it just me or what?


Apr 7, 2007
G-town, Tennessee
Wii Online Code
I feel that wiichat has been over-ran with pokemon diamond/pearl. on the main page alone i counted over 10 threads wanting to trade, battle and other things pokemon. im not sayin pokemons a bad thing, its just not my thing. Granted that i almost went out and bought one of the games myself but i didnt. glad i made that decision. i think wiichat needs to make a special wiichat pokemon website thats seperate to the orignal. cause the fourms are over run
I don't think a seperate site for Pokemon Diamond/Pearl is needed. Also eventually the pokemon threads will die down and you wont notice them as much. The only problem that I see happening is that people are avoiding the stickied threads and posting new ones instead. However the mods are doing a good job in taking care of it by deleting and locking threads and banning members who constantly spam.
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i hear ya on that that is one of the big problems ppl starting new threads without lookin first
don't ya think that pokemon complaint threads are overrunning this forum. They should get a separate forum not on wiichat :/

Believe me, people already know. You just gotta go into every bad thread and tell people about the stickies and official threads.... Much like syntax. or post stranger's pic. :ihih: or bad rep them :ihih:x2
You and your ability to give negative rep ...

Please spare me :)

i hear ya on that that is one of the big problems ppl starting new threads without lookin first

Anyways if you notice a spam thread such as one relating to one of the stickied threads or any other thread in the section just use the "Report Button" and the thread will most likely be closed. Also if you see a member posting a thread over and over again report that member to one of the Super Moderators or i0n.
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i know that pokemon diamond and pearl both have a sub-fourm but everytime i get on wiichat half the threads are for pokemon
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but it seems no one took that thread seriously. theres still pokemon fans starting new posts and then double posting when they dont get an answer. im not trying to sound like i hate everything pokemon or anything.
If you see that happening just report their post and one of the moderators will either take care of the post or thread. Theres really not much else you can do other than putting up with it for a while.
All I can say is stop posting in here and start yelling at people in there. It is getting a little better, slowly but surely.

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