Is it possible to redo bosses or mini bosses after game is finished?

"Dragon" Is "Argarok" And He Was Freakin Awesome...

And It Don't Count As A Boss, But The Three Darknuts In The Cave Of 100 Trials...

(I think that's what it's called)
I hate bosses where you have to use items. I just like old-fashioned sword fights like the Black Knight Mid-Boss in Temple of Time or the Last Fight with Ganondorf.
yeah I like that too. I don't like putting away my sword and then taking it back out after i use an item.
Legend of Zelda TP would be so bad@$$ and sweet if it had the option to re-fight the epic boss battles. Maybe after a 100% completion mark or something? It would multiply the replay value three-fold. *sigh*
That would be awesome. And if there were an easy, medium, and hard mode.
You should. Just don't expect it to be as straight-forward as Halo. It combines puzzle-solving and exploration into the FPS battling you're used to.
Yes because they are both likes puzzles and are confusing and you can get lost easily.

No because of many reasons:

1- The theme and storyline of the game.
2- MP3 uses guns, like shooting games, with ammo etc.
3- MP3 has Easy ,Medium and Hard mode.

There are way more, but those are the major differences.
Yeah I totally agree Sparx, those were the two best boss battles. The Darknuts pose such a challenge (especially in the Cave of Ordeals) to you that it's fun and worthwhile to kill them slowly
JCpackers05 said:
only thing i hate about this game, and it was already mentioned, was that the bosses were sooooooooo easy that it was almost a joke to fight them.
I agree. seriously. They were way too easy.
But also, they were what? They were fun, that's all that mattters.

The confusing temples and the difficult puzzles make up for the easy bosses.

Thats what I think.