Just how next gen is the next generation?


WiiChat Member
Oct 24, 2006
This is more a question of your guys opinions on the next generation of consoles.

I believe personally that improving graphics somewhat cannot be called innovations in games. I play consoles and PC I have had HD graphics for a long time that is not why I play consoles so I want to know what you guys think about where each console is innovating on the current gen of platforms.

Just to let you know I got the Xbox last time round because of Xbox live, something at the time I believed to be a real innovation on the last generation of consoles excluding the dreamcast which I also owned but could almost be put into the same gen as PS1 and N64.

This time round I am obviously getting the Wii as I feel it is the only one really innovating in any real way, I mean sure we can up the graphics to 1080p but I run games higher than that on my PC, and on looking at the back of Xbox360 boxes it seems that 1080i is the highest available.

I think that microsoft however has made a smart move in basically making the xbox a gaming PC at an affordable price. PS3s innovations I assume to be Blue Ray although I am not sure how increasing the storage capacity is an innovation just as I do not see improvements in graphics that way, but I am probably missing something on PS3s philosophy. The Wii's innovation is fairly obvious using a greater interactivity to games to immerse players more whilst pricing themselves completly out of competition of PC's.

With all this in mind how do you feel about the next gen, the pros and cons of each system and what would you like to see in the future? If the Wii is hugely successful then the way is set to increase immersion into games instead of eye candy, how do you see this taking place?
PS3 its really just a xpansive version of a xbx with a couple upgrades.

playstation i think did do alot for gaming in the pass with Ps1 and 2.
but i think they fell this time tryin to compete to much with Microsoft instead of just doingin there own thing

XBX360 its basically what u call it a cheap gaming PC .

GFX do help make a game better[Some times] but if a game does not have good camara,control, and most important a good story line. then all that GFX will not help!

Nintendo at this moment went offroad in this race!

no where near everyone else...and thats a GOOD THING!!!!

nintendo wii had the perfect! code why because thats what it is a revolution.

showin new ways to plays.

PS3 its really a system that will be on top..but may b in a yr or 2 when they have a good list of games and drop prices.
sorry to say it but wii its gonna be on top for a while till all the hype dies on the wiimote...
I agree with you the wii is defenatly the most next gen of the three consoles with the 360 in a close to mid second. But PS3 has nothing going for it in my eyes. thats why im getting a wii on launch and eventualy (when i can afford it) a 360. I probably wont get a ps3 unless it drops dramaticly in price and unless Blueray wins the HD war (dont forget about HDdvd which will probably win. Think about sonys lazer discs or mini discs. Or the UMD for that matter lol)
Equis said:
PS3 its really a system that will be on top..but may b in a yr or 2 when they have a good list of games and drop prices.
sorry to say it but wii its gonna be on top for a while till all the hype dies on the wiimote...
I agree with everything you just said except this part. You say PS3 is gonna be on top and then you say Wii is gonna be at the top? So which is it?

I don't believe the wiimote will lose it's popularity or interest after a while. In fact, I only see it being seen as a less and less gimmicky controller, although I personally don't see it as gimmicky at all. What I do see as a gimmick is the SIXAXIS PS3 controller, which Sony expects gamers to jostle around to do things like punch someone in a fighting game. Give me a break! I see Microsoft and Nintendo being at the top this time around because Wii is innovative, immersive, and cheap, while the Xbox 360 has nearly as good graphics as PS3, a better controller, and most importantly an outstanding online gaming system with great games like Halo and Splinter Cell.

PS3 will only be good for games that you can't find on Xbox or PC, which it has a few of, but that's about it in my opinion.
NateTheGreat said:
I agree with everything you just said except this part. You say PS3 is gonna be on top and then you say Wii is gonna be at the top? So which is it?

i mean that wii will own sony till they manage to drop the price of ps3 in a couple of years...then sony may have a chance.

and im not just sayin this best example we have is how DS owns psp onprice tag and that has help them to bring more gamers.

in my family 1 psp. 7 DS.

and im not doubtin the wiimote at all .... i really think that this is one thing that will be improved by nintendo and copy by everyone else [kinna like ps3 try].
NateTheGreat said:
I agree with everything you just said except this part. You say PS3 is gonna be on top and then you say Wii is gonna be at the top? So which is it?

I don't believe the wiimote will lose it's popularity or interest after a while. In fact, I only see it being seen as a less and less gimmicky controller, although I personally don't see it as gimmicky at all. What I do see as a gimmick is the SIXAXIS PS3 controller, which Sony expects gamers to jostle around to do things like punch someone in a fighting game. Give me a break! I see Microsoft and Nintendo being at the top this time around because Wii is innovative, immersive, and cheap, while the Xbox 360 has nearly as good graphics as PS3, a better controller, and most importantly an outstanding online gaming system with great games like Halo and Splinter Cell.

PS3 will only be good for games that you can't find on Xbox or PC, which it has a few of, but that's about it in my opinion.
those games wont stay on the ps3 for long if it doesnt do well.

2 for the price of one, wii and xbox360 (i think ive been converted to xbox360 from ps3)... and throw in a game lol
Equis said:
i mean that wii will own sony till they manage to drop the price of ps3 in a couple of years...then sony may have a chance.

and im not just sayin this best example we have is how DS owns psp onprice tag and that has help them to bring more gamers.

in my family 1 psp. 7 DS.

and im not doubtin the wiimote at all .... i really think that this is one thing that will be improved by nintendo and copy by everyone else [kinna like ps3 try].
off topic maybe, my friend was a sony fanboy "if they dont make a "psp2", it would look like they lost" (well they did) "DS is rubbish" yeh yeh.. then his cousin wins a DS and he thinks its great and hes getting one now..

the moral of that story was.. er.. nintendo pwns :sick:
Wii -
Pros: AMAZING gameplay, the most fun system yet. Totally different games.
Cons: Not amazing graphics, but good enough.

PS3 -
Pros: AMAZING graphics
Cons: Insanely expensive, almost same games as 360.

Xbox360 -
Pros: ...Nothing...
Cons: Almost same games as PS3.
Jenova said:
Wii -
Pros: AMAZING gameplay, the most fun system yet. Totally different games.
Cons: Not amazing graphics, but good enough.

PS3 -
Pros: AMAZING graphics
Cons: Insanely expensive, almost same games as 360.

Xbox360 -
Pros: amazing graphics and CHEAPER THAN PS3 and.. \/
Cons: Almost same games as PS3.
fixed it .
Equis said:
and im not just sayin this best example we have is how DS owns psp onprice tag and that has help them to bring more gamers.

in my family 1 psp. 7 DS.
DAMN u must have a huge family..but how can u sey ds owns psp...psp has well betta graphix...beta games(not animal crossin sh*t)...and psp has amazin online qualities.....cn hold photos music,downloadable demos...............so in fact psp OWNS ds
Originally Posted by Jenova
Wii -
Pros: AMAZING gameplay, the most fun system yet. Totally different games.
Cons: Not amazing graphics, but good enough.

PS3 -
Pros: AMAZING graphics
Cons: Insanely expensive, almost same games as 360.

Xbox360 -
Pros: amazing graphics and CHEAPER THAN PS3 and.. \/
Cons: Almost same games as PS3.
fixed it .

Was going to say that was a bit harsh on the 360. Its a quality system all it needs is a better catalogue of games and it will certainly have a big say on the PS3 sales.
LukasJunior said:
DAMN u must have a huge family..but how can u sey ds owns psp...psp has well betta graphix...beta games(not animal crossin sh*t)...and psp has amazin online qualities.....cn hold photos music,downloadable demos...............so in fact psp OWNS ds

Yup i do have a big Fam!

but im talkin about in sells.

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