Kiimote: Alpha-numeric typing with a Wii Remote


Audentes fortuna iuvat
Apr 20, 2007
Wii Online Code

What do you need? PC, bluetooth adapter, Wii remote, Glovepie, and Blusoliel or Widcomm BT stacks. And AA batteries.

Why would you use it? I doubt that you would. But it exists just in case.

What is a chorded keyboard? A small (one-handed) keyboard that uses keys in combination ("chords") to cut down button numbers, often to 8 or fewer. With training (and an obvious learning curve), you can type as fast with one, and have a free hand. The Kiimote requires two hands, or exceptional digital dexterity, so it isn't strictly a chorded keyboard, it's just inspired by them.

The first device I ever saw I only vaguely remember. It was on a PBS special, and it was 8 keys on two hand bars of a motorcycle. The rider was on the road a LOT, had a miniature computer screen that he could flip down in front of one eye, and full control of the hardware with those eight keys. I don't remember exactly, but I assume he was a writer, and was focused mainly on typing on the road. That has always stuck in my head, and executing it here seemed like a good way to dive into Glovepie.

Why make one? The Kiimote can't be used with one hand (well, I can't use it with one hand), so this isn't strictly a chorded keyboard. However I dredged up a few DIY chorded keyboard projects on the net, and hardware was a common problem, causing some to even abandon their projects. Using Kiimote, someone could do a hardware mod to the Wiimote (for instance, moving Wiimote 1, 2, + and - to the side where they could be pressed by your 4 support fingers, and leaving the d-pad there for your thumb (other hardware mods could be imagined, a smaller housing could be used sans the IR camera and accelerometer, or both could be utilized as additional keys in a modified script)) and Glovepie, and have a quick solution to the hardware problem.
Seems like waaay too much trouble to go through for something like that.
Thanks, Wiinter.
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Tails McCloud~ said:
Seems like waaay too much trouble to go through for something like that.
Thanks, Wiinter.

I had ulterior motives. My biggest script ever will be for MS Allegiance, and I'm considering limiting myself to just one mote and one chuck for an endless number if commands. I needed a way of coding many different commands over combinations that could effectively be used. I'm pretty happy with the outcome.

If I could interest hobbyist chorded keyboard makers in Wiimote hardware, that would be exciting too.
I get it.
Hope it works out for you, but I'm not sure if you're going to find any hobbyists of that nature in this neck of the net, but nothing is impossible. Good luck and good ****ing job!

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