Looking for some sound advice


WiiChat Member
Apr 15, 2007
Im wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as I.

I'm 30 years old, married, have a kid on the way, and work a 9-5 job in advertising. I've been gaming since the days of the 8-bit ninendo, started with that, then the super nintend, PS, and PS2. I wanted a PS3 when they released but were to expensive. I ended up getting a wii off craigslist a few months back, and was initially over excited about the purchase. The level of entertainment it adds to partys and groups is quite valuable.

But now after the initial wow factor has worn off, I am starting to think that the wii is rather dry and lacks depth. Of all the games I've played Zelda is the only true game that keeps me coming back, and that is Nintendo's trademark game. But I can't help but think that it could be the same game with a standard controller. Tiger Woods is the only game I've played that really emphasizes true wiimote actions, and it does that only at a mediocre level. I got the bigs, which is fun, but lacks a lot of depth that a baseball game should have, and I got bored after a couple weeks. I bought Strikers, super fun game... but again, it lacks depth. After 2 weeks of play, I've seen all there is to see. There is nothing to gain anymore from play, the only thing left to do is go online and play people, over, and over, and over. Excite truck was fun, for a couple weeks. All the other games I have tried were seriously lacking.

I'm not on here trying to rip the wii, I just want some input from others on this board. Maybe some sort of motivational speech, or at least to hear that I'm not the only one that thinks this.

I've started to look at the games to be released in the future, and I'm not seeing a lot of promise. I can't help but think that future sports games will all fall short like the games we've already see released.

Bottom line, I've sunk enough into the wii with games and accessories, that I could have gotten a PS3 by now. I still have fun on the wii, but is it a lost cause? Can I just sit around for a year until developers start to 'get' it? The wii lacks graphics, proper sound output, data storage, complex games...

Just don't know what to do.

Anyone else have anything to say? Again, please don't flame. I'm not some big PS fan coming on here trying to ravel the wii community. Just another wii fan on the fence.

30 years old, (good as) married, and having a blast with my wii... in small doses :)

I'm afraid you'll need to play a waiting game. I'll admit that Nintendo's current line up is all about attracting the casual gamer, and maybe even more so about getting to grips with the console, but from what I've seen of the next year's releases, there'll be plenty to please Nintendo's traditional core.

Project HAMMER looks awesome - just a great old-school style scrolling beat 'em up, with the exception that just about everything can be destroyed. On top of this, you've got the new Mario Title, another SSB title (if that floats your boat), F-Zero, Mario Kart, the Nights remake, Big Brain Academy and most encouragingly, 3rd party developers are investing in the Wii in a BIG way - Manhunt 2 was due to be released before the BBFC and MPAA got involved, but there's still efforts to get a release for it soon.

I think the 3rd party ports are going to be crucial to my long term enjoyment of the Wii - especially if Nintendo continue to focus fairly heavily on the party / mini / casual / open ended style games they seem to be doing so well.

In the meantime, if you've not yet tried it, I'd suggest Excite Truck - easily the most underrated Wii title to date, and a huge favourite in my house - for the first time in a while, I've been replaying it over and over again to try to get platinum awards to unlock new tracks... it's fast, just hard enough, and has a lot of replayability value.

As far as I'm concerned, the buzz has worn off for me a little too, but I love the fact that my gf finds the Wii very accessible, and therefore actually WANTS to play a console for a change, as this makes it easier to validate my gaming purchases :) I'd suggest doing what I'm doing, and sitting it out for the next 6 - 12 months and then re-evaluating the situation. I for one, have a feeling that Nintendo aren't going to let me down...
well nintendo wasnt about amazing graphics and lots of memory..they wanted a system that was fun and easy to use for everyone for non gamers and gamers
ericlewis91 said:
well nintendo wasnt about amazing graphics and lots of memory..they wanted a system that was fun and easy to use for everyone for non gamers and gamers

He makes a valid point, however - at the moment, Nintendo have not really done a lot for their classic core audience. You're missing the point if you think he's expecting amazing graphics and lots of memory - that's not what he was saying. The point he was making is that, so far, we've not had a really outstanding title since Zelda. I'd agree with this, and I'm crossing my fingers that Nintendo release some more familiar IP to us real soon.
Sorry, but I do see a good future for Nintendo and the Wii. Certainly better than PS3's.

Personally, I feel that the Wii is being underutilized atm, for a very good reason - They're developing top-notch games. Those kind of games take time. Look at Red Steel, good game, but could have been so much better. Heck, we've known Ubisoft were looking to at least makign a second game, but we haven't seen that on the radar, because they're taking the time to perfect the mistakes they made with the original.

Time will tell. Besides, by the sounds of things, you're better off waiting to buy a PS3 - They'll come down in price, and eventually get some worthwhile games (if it's the kind you're into. Personally, very few PS3 games even make it on my radar).
I am 25, married and still loving the Wii! Even though I can agere with all the points made... I think it can only get better!! My wife is able to play too and that makes it more enjoyable for a start!

When ever I get bored of the games I have already got I download a classic off of VC! (hence just got Wave Racer 64!)

My main point is that there are going to be good games comming out... Mario Kart Wii, SSBB, Sonic at the Olympics, Dance Revolution, and the Daddy - FIFA 08!

Stick with it for a few months, wait til the new year and see how you feel then!!

I would like to see a erally good racing game though... How bout a Burnout game? GT? or F1?
Well, you could very easily sale your Wii investment and get either of the other consoles if that is truly what you want. However, the games are more expensive and after getting the overpriced PS3 then you may be able to get one or two games at first. Maybe that works for you, and if so by all means why procrastinate in the decision? The people above make some good points in the Wii's favor though, there are some really good first party games coming out such as Super Mario Galaxy (how can any true Nintendo veteran go without playing that one?), Metroid Prime 3 and SSBB...those three alone could keep you busy until the third party lineup starts really hitting the shelves into 2008. And of course there is the VC...so much to do there! As a long time Nintendo fan, I could never get rid of my Wii...especially in favor of one of the other consoles. It would be fantastic to have either or both of them as well, but it's doubtful they will be doing anything but going down in price over the coming years, making it the perfect time to get caught up with them. One more thing...do you have an HDTV? Because if not, then you will most probably end up wanting one and just think of the price for even a decent one? Anyway, I vote you keep the Wii...this discussion has happened time and again, you're not the only one harboring regrets with what could be referred to as a sub par console in this day and age.
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Pretty good replies so far, thanks guys. Sounds like this board has a few members in similar life situations!

The one thing that I am having a hard time dealing with, is wether or not the wiimote is really that great of a device. When it comes down to games like madden, and fifa for example, and even zelda... I can't help but think that all the wiimote/nunchuck is, is a dual analog control cut in half. And the remaining buttons assigned to flicks of the wiimote.

Not sure that really makes sense. For example, I love my sports games, Fifa most of all. And I know it's not out yet, but I can't help but think that when it comes down to really enjoying the game, really getting the physics down, that it would be better to have an actual control in my hands. It seems with games all ready out, that the precision of controls have been dumbed down to work properly with the wii. Take zelda, while you have certian attacks assigned to wii movements, it really comes down to swinging that thing in a 'button mashing' sense. Not very strategic so to speak. Same with strikers, you run around, flicking the wiimote, bashing people. Not trying to sound as though I'm not grasping the idea/controls... I don't know. I probably don't make sense.

I'll just stop there.

I just think what it comes down to, is the games I really enjoy are all cross platform... and I can't see something like Fifa08 or Prince of Persia being better on wii then PS3, or 360 for that matter. And games like F-Zero, and mario, pale in comparison to MGS4, Final Fantasy, God of War 3 and such. Maybe the issues I'm having goes along with the purchase of a brand new 'beta' console.

Make sense?

edit: I wanted to ask, what's the probability of Nintendo ever coming out with an advanced console? With better sound outputs, better storage and such? I just can't get over the lack of an optical output on this, I love my 'loud' surround sound when gaming!
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Like some others said, the wii's current line up ( here in europe ) kind of sucks !

The best games are yet to come. You should wait for 'm :)
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Maybe I can win the lottery and own both a wii and a PSiii.

That way, once my son is born I won't have time to play either :lol:

Decisions decisions. I do own an HDTV, so that is taken care of. But that does make it harder to own a wii, 420p on a tv with so much more potential! That is also why I enjoy my sound so much... it's a hometheater room.

Oh well, I'll figure it out. That's the beauty of craigslist, I can own something for a few months and shell it off if I'm not happy.

I should mention though, one thing that makes this so hard... even though I started with the classic 8-bit and the SNES, the PS turned me into a true playstation fan. So the first party software like mario galaxy and SSB... don't really flip my switch to much. They look like a lot of fun, and I've never really sat down and played them (on the N64), but I've always been a sucker for the playstation exclusive games. So that 'kid' factor that everyone stereotypes nintendo for has always been a scare factor. It's the interactive sports games for wii that make me want to stay.
I know excatly what ou are saying! i am a PS Boy and to be honest can't see myself being anything else!! I do have a Wii and enjoy playing it! It was great to have a latest console without paying over the top prices!

I am sure when the PS3 comes down in price I will get one! Same as I did with the PS1 and the PS2!

In the mean time the Wii is doing fine and enjoy being part of something new! Something that you dont know what update is comming next and I have no idea what I will be able to do on it differently tomorrow!!
The interactive sports games alone are worth keeping the Wii for...would you really want to go from playing golf actually doing it with the Wiimote back to pushing buttons? No way would it ever be the same! Madden is much more fun as well, but I could live without the Wii controls on it...but for golf! Golf is just so much fun on the Wii. But it really sounds like you want a PS3. You know you can always sale it off if you wanna get a Wii again. Why not just try it and get it over with? Maybe the graphics will make up for the lack of golf swing.
I'm 26. I started with a Texas TI, Space Invaders, Munchman, Wumpus (Some may know what that is!) I then got a Commodore Amiga 500 (Upgraded to 1mb!) and spent a fair bit of money on games, Robocop series, Turbo Outrun, Monkey Island, Street Fighter II, Simpsons, Lemmings series, Shadow Of The Beast. Also had a Game Boy with the usual games. My Brother had a SNES and had Mario Allstars and Damon Hill F1. Then came the Playstation with V-Rally, Doom, Gran Turismo, Driver, Resident Evil 2. I then moved on to the PS2 with GT3 & 4, Quake III, GTA and I also bought an XBox with Sega GT, Project Gotham, Abes Exodus and Doom III. Recently I've bought a PSP, Toca Race Driver, FIFA, Champ Manager and Medal Of Honor.

So I've done all the differant types of games out there and now the new consoles - XBox360 and Playstation 3 offer me nothing new that I havn't played on the differant platforms over the years. The Wii comes along and redefines the way we play games and for me the novelty hasn't worn off yet. Its obvious the 360 and PS3 will be the king of racing games, and thats fine, I've done all that and to be honest the Wii isn't really suited. The Wii has shown with RE4 though that its an ideal console for FPS games etc and thats what I'll be concentrating on I think.

So really you need to decide what type of games you like to play, do you still want to play the type of game you did years ago or does the Wii offer something new that you havn't really experienced on past/other current consoles before. Are there any titles coming up that may be of interest? If not then maybe its not the console for you!

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