Mac vs. PC

Mac or PC?

  • Other (linux or something...really outdated; no-Windows)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Method of Rhythm

I Got Mad Hax!
Dec 18, 2006
Long Island, NY
What do you all find the pros/cons of these two pieces of machinery?

I personally like the Macs, their user-friendly interfaces and their compatibility with many apps. is great and other hardware (iPod, AppleTV, and now iPhone). I love their OS X Tiger and cannot wait to get my hands on the OS X Leopard. Plus Apple, Inc. always makes a machine that isn't too hard to look at.

If we could keep this thread as friendly as possible that would be great. Remember this is just a thread on personal preference not ultimatums on the best computer.
*added a poll*:)

Obviously, csiguy4u, you didn't read the "friendly" part of this thread.

Anyway, I prefer the operating system of Macs, but I don't care if it's on Apple's hardware, though I don't plan on trying the hackOSX on a self-built PC. I have a 15" PowerBook G4 and love the thing. I sort of wish I had gone with the MacBook Pro, but it was new when I wanted a laptop and I don't like going with things that new; like to be able to run all OSs at once if I could. I like linux as well, but it's not nearly as seamless as OS X.

Just have to say, those who say things like, oh I don't know, "MACS BLOW," generally haven't tried the current Macs or have...for about 10 minutes.

Good thread topic.:D
I love playing on Mac's in the Apple store, but I don't really know what I'm doing where I'm so used to Windows :lol: took me forever to realise you have to click a certain colour (red or blue I think) to close a window, and it was on the top-left of the window and not the top-right :confused: :lol: just little things like that was confusing me due to using Windows all my life, therefore, Windows gets my vote :)
Even thow I hate computers
(PCs are better for that)
The UK TV program Gadget show Put the newest Mac up against a PC of smiler spec (it was cheaper)
The PC won
the PC can be used for just about everything. the mac can be used for almost everything. it is very limited on the games however it excels in the editing (video, photo, audio)
Mitch2025 said:
the PC can be used for just about everything. the mac can be used for almost everything. it is very limited on the games however it excels in the editing (video, photo, audio)
How is it limited in the games? It can run not just it's own OS, Mac OS X, but also Linux almost any version of Windows either natively using Boot Camp, or all at the same time using Parallels Desktop. I'm guessing you're talking about the lack of graphics cards, but seriously, who has money to keep running out to buy a new one for $300-$600 every six months? Sometimes, you just have to say something is good enough, in my opinion.
NateTheGreat said:
How is it limited in the games? It can run not just it's own OS, Mac OS X, but also Linux almost any version of Windows either natively using Boot Camp, or all at the same time using Parallels Desktop. I'm guessing you're talking about the lack of graphics cards, but seriously, who has money to keep running out to buy a new one for $300-$600 every six months? Sometimes, you just have to say something is good enough, in my opinion.
sorry, i keep forgetting about how Macs can now run Windows but before that, the windows emulator wasnt very good when it came to running games
Just gotta say this, Mac is the HARDWARE, which is equal to PC which is HARDWARE.. so comparing the two, with the hardware limiations of the OS taking into mind, Mac is 3000x better, first off, PC/IBM-Clone(windows) can handel up to 4GB of Ram, which is perthetic. Mac can handel way up of that, and you can currently get up to 16GB of Ram in a Mac Pro. much other things to take note as well, but that is one of the most important.

OS X is far better than Windows, often the case, Windows virus's are caused because microsoft has no envolvement with the hardware it's OS comes into contact with, and thus can't control certain things. Comparing that to OSX, apple has all authority over it's hardware, not only does it install it in it's own machines, but they build there OS around the hardware, which is often why the OS is much more stable, not only that it's easier on the eye, it's also alot easier to use.
<----. My vote should be rather obvious.

Mac just works better IMO. There is a lot more stuff you can do on Macs now.

.zip and.rar work on mac, windows Media player 10 is now on Mac. With boot camp I'm able to run Counterstrike: Source / Half life 2 on my MacBook Pro better than it runs on my PC. I also use bootcamp to work with Finale (music program i use for taking my Drumline music and exporting as MP3 so I can practice with it) The whole Microsoft Office package is available for Mac. There is also a freeware program called Flip for Mac that lets you view Windows Media content in web browsers as quick time. It's usefull for stuff like GorillaMask (website with a bunch of funny vids, usually in embeded WMP)

I also just like the interface better. And for the people who said they used them and didn't like them i would suggest using them for more than a few sittings here and there. Once you become familiar with the OS, all the keyboard shortcuts, features and whatnot you'll be much more comfortable using it. It just becomes more productive, and easy to use.

The hardware is great. The Intel chip runs like a charm and Rosetta lets you run all the old PPC programs that haven't been ported to universal binary or Intel yet.

Not be mention the security that is FAR superior to Windows.

k I'm done
^^and that is what makes them so great. Nobody realizes that. People think that lack of options is a bad thing. And the lack of right click is no longer a valid excuse. Not only have you always been able to plug in any onld PC mouse and have a fully-functional right click, but now there is the Mighty Mouse, comming standard, wich has integrated right click (you just can't see it, but it's there). I used to think Windows Vista was cool (I had beta 1), but now that I'm a Mac user, I see that all the good stuff from Vista is copied direct from Mac, and Mac had it first.
registerednerd said:
I used to think Windows Vista was cool (I had beta 1), but now that I'm a Mac user, I see that all the good stuff from Vista is copied direct from Mac, and Mac had it first.
And thats because Microsoft hired an ex art designer from apple.
Macs still have too many compatibility issues with the industry. I am sure they are fine for personal use, but when I buy a computer it needs to run the licences I already own and it needs to be directly compatible with any other machines I might be working with.