Metroid Other M


Akatsuki Assassin
Sep 3, 2007
Morehouse College
Wii Online Code
Just announced at E3 today is a new Metroid title in the works being developed by Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive developer) called Metroid Other M. This game appears to be a balls to wall third person action shooter with a lot of violence and a much more cinematic approach to the Metroid Universe than ever before. This game looks awesome and was the BIG announcement at Nintendo's Press Conference.
I'm certainly excited for it. How did the camera angles look? Is it free roaming or over-the-shoulder like Gears?
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Holy Fu@k that is awesome!!!

And you know they are saving a new Zelda for TGS or the future.

And we have Dragon Quest X in 2010 or 2011.

Seriously, I don't give a damn about PS3/360. It's all the FPS. Been there, done that, seen a billion times. The best games I have ever played are more of your older-school lower budget titles. I'll take Muramasa over every singel game on 360/PS3.

The only games from those systems that I still really really love is Ninja Gaiden. And now that Team Ninja is working on this title, they just might port Ninja Gaien Black(Xbox 1) to Wii.
Looks great! I was disappointed with the Wii at this year's E3 until they announced Metroid: Other M.
Just got mail on my Wii. Nintendo is releasing trailers for their games annouced at E3 on the Wiis' Nintendo Channel. Go check it out guys.
Holy Fu@k that is awesome!!!

And you know they are saving a new Zelda for TGS or the future.

And we have Dragon Quest X in 2010 or 2011.

Seriously, I don't give a damn about PS3/360. It's all the FPS. Been there, done that, seen a billion times. The best games I have ever played are more of your older-school lower budget titles. I'll take Muramasa over every singel game on 360/PS3.

The only games from those systems that I still really really love is Ninja Gaiden. And now that Team Ninja is working on this title, they just might port Ninja Gaien Black(Xbox 1) to Wii.

What a fanboy.
Looks interesting. Very action-y trailer. Can't wait for it; it was no doubt the best part of the conference.
It took me by surprise. I want to see some actual straight gameplay no montages so i can see how it actually works as it showed a bunch of different perspectives in that video.

I would of never thought Team Ninja ,and Nintendo would team up. Maybe they work together later on an exclusive Ninja Gaiden that maybe ties it to the NES titles.
no new zelda:mad2: but metroid the other m:ee5k: go team ninja!!!!!! next lets see ninja gaiden in a smash bros game:thumbsup:
LOL! Yeah that Vitality Sensor thing was weird. It seems like it may be interesting, but with nothing to really show it off with I think they revealed it too early.

I was watching the live broadcast from and the guy doing the broadcast laughed outloud when they said that!
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I was watching the live broadcast from and the guy doing the broadcast laughed outloud when they said that!

Well I'm sure they have something up their sleeve with the announcement of it. Looking at it I can see it being a great asset to fitness games. Or maybe you can strap it on during a shooter, and the faster your haertbeat gets the more your character will shake. There are lots of possibilities with this since our nerves and heartrate become so tied to a videogaming experience. But yeah, to unviel it and show nothing with it was (quite frankly) dumb as hell.

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