Metroid Prime 3 Graphics


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May 20, 2006
London, England Rank: i-wii-sistable
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I've been checking out some video's and I think this game looks great, couldnt get much better IMO, well..

I was surfing the net, and found some nice info on about the graphics of the game, Metroid Prime 3;

According to Nintendo Power, Nintendo US's official Nintendo magazine (in no way similar to ONM- their's is actually accurate half of the time), Metroid Prime 3 has seen a major visual overhaul since the E3 build shown this year. An extract reads:

"Retro have confirmed that the graphics for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption have been vastly upgraded compared to that of its E3 demo counterpart."

:ee5k: I'm just suprised that they said vastly, such a strong word, which basically means; to a very great extent or degree. I mean, how much better could it look from this:


Anyway, awesome, expect some pics pretty soon :thumbsup:

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yeah if they smooth out those edges that would be sooo good.

off topic but did anyone ever have a problem with forgeting to save with the first metroid prime? lol
yeah for me this is the best looking wii game at the moment, i think those rough edges are just due to it being a picture.. and yeah i also had problems with forgetting to save lol
Nah its not because its a picture.
It's just the result of there being no Anti-Aliasing (sp)
If they would add just a little more textures and shadow, it would be perfect!
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Re: MP Franchise

Hi Guys,
This is my first post here, so g'day to all from the Land Down Under. Anywho, many people think I am mad when I say this, but I just cannot seem to find myself immersed in the Metroid Prime games. I loved the 2D games, and played through the first MP title, but just couldn't find myself enjoying it enough to warrant looking at the sequel. I played through about 5 hours of MP: Hunters on DS but found it kinda tedious.

Am I the only person who has not overly enjoyed this franchise/ it's current incarnation?

I know what you mean rail.x, the metroid prime games required a much bigger time investment than the 2d games, and the sense of isolation was definitely not to everyone's tastes. However, the new metroid prime looks to be a lot less isolated, one of the earliest gameplay videos showed samus landing her ship in a warzone, with Federation marines all over the place.
I think the graphics look cack. Call of Duty 3 Wii has just been reviewed on IGN and they pretty much say the graphics are very unimpressive. I just can't help feeling Nintendo could have made the Wii a bit better graphically. It wouldn't have taken much. It doesn't seem right going from one generation to another without ANY improvement in visuals.
There is an improvment in Visuals. They say the Wii is twice as powerful as the cube.
They just didn't make a massive leap in visuals like the x360 and the ps3.
Nintendo made the leap in gameplay instead.
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UkranianTractor said:
I think the graphics look cack. Call of Duty 3 Wii has just been reviewed on IGN and they pretty much say the graphics are very unimpressive. I just can't help feeling Nintendo could have made the Wii a bit better graphically. It wouldn't have taken much. It doesn't seem right going from one generation to another without ANY improvement in visuals.
yes, but in the actual review he compares the graphics to xbox360.
Only thing Im concerned mostly is they gotta clean them edges.

However that image might be taken composite as well.
I sure hope the graphics have increased. Thos pictures didn't seem to have very good graphics. Sounds like an awesome game and I can't wait to play it! :D

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