Modern Warfare 2 Trailer Released


Oct 20, 2007
New Jersey, USA
Wii Online Code

Just released tonight. Thoughts? It looks amazing, as expected.
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Looks great. It shoed a scene where they were on a skidoo thing- hopefully we get to drive :). Can't wait i'll preorder it soon :)
Looks great. It shoed a scene where they were on a skidoo thing- hopefully we get to drive :). Can't wait i'll preorder it soon :)

thats a snow mobile, and if you read the game informer 10 page article in the latest issue they confirm it, yes you do get to drive the snow mobiles.
Honestly I think the Wii version would be a joke. And seriously the Game Informer has an article on it on this months issue? Ugh. FML. my subscription ended right before this issue.
definately gonna have to put money down on a 360 to get playing MW at my friend's house. and a little off topic, but my friend told me there's gonna be another price drop coming soon? could anyone tell me if this is true, or does my friend just not know what he's talking about

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