MOH heroes 2 release or ship?


Mohh2 Name: TheHater
Jun 19, 2007
In all the videos for moh heroes 2 it says ships 11/13. does that mean it gets shipped to stores ton the 13, or is that when you can buy it from the store.

Example: next Tuesday is the 13th. Could I walk into walmart and pick it up then or would I have to wait until thursday or friday?

may be a stupid question but what the heck.:tard:
games have release dates.
not ship dates.

I remember on you-know-where everyone was liek it comes out on so and so but you can't get it it till so and so because it is actually the ship date not release date. teh n00bs.
This is a valid question, when I went to buy BWii on oct 29 (release date) the people at Gamestop said nope, thats ship date so you'll have to wait. However that was a monday.

Your best bet is to contact your local gamestop or similar store, where they specialize in games. They should be able to tell you if its a release date or ship date. You could always try other stores, but I guarantee you that none of the Walmart employees will know
Yeah, in almost all cases, the date listed is a shipping date, not a release date. So, if the video says that, it would be wise to believe it.

Pick it up on Thursday.
well good question i called gamestop today and the lady told me that it is shipped to people who buy it online on that day but you can buy it the day after the release date trust me man i really =)
When is it in Europe?

Some say in 2008!!!! some others say november 22 ( that would rock! )
cyberzomby said:
When is it in Europe?

Some say in 2008!!!! some others say november 22 ( that would rock! )
November 30th I am led to believe for EU, same day as RE:UC and NFS:pS...I just pre-ordered them all from Virgin (online) the other day, cheapest place I can find at £30 each! I think that's what all the other sites say as well (Nov 30), such as Game and IGN.
Ok thank you :D

The strangest thing is a lot of the online shops I checked havent even got heroes:2 in there lists!!! :p

Im just going to ask a "real" shop and pay the full price than. I dont care so much. As long as I have this game on release day
JAKE196 said:
games have release dates.
not ship dates.

This one has a ship date. (watch the trailer)

FYI, My local Best Buy claims that they'll have it on the 14th by 2pm. Your mileage may vary.
As stated above, they don't publicize ship dates unless you really look for it. All dates shown online or in fliers are the dates the game goes on sale.
Most likely its just the shipping date, you should be able to pick it up on Nov. 14 Aka Wednesday

I preordered mine, cant wait!