Morale boost for the Wii!


Chillin in the Mill
Jun 26, 2006
Perth, Western Australia, most isolated capital in
Wii Online Code

I found this a couple of hours ago, apparently alot of developers are having a heap of trouble developing PS3 games, as well as finding the hardware poorly engineered.

Pretty interesting huh? Kinda makes you wonder why PS3 tries to be so technical while the Wii and (god forbid) the Xbox360 gives developers something much easier to code for.

Where is the PS3 heading? Doesn't sound too promising from what they say there! check it :)
yes, this is why nintendo has now got a lot of third party development. Because develpment of the games on their system is easy and interesting :)

we will just have to find out what happens to the ps3, i think sony has gone too far with the technical abilities
Wi60 FTW!!! sony is trying too hard this time around and alot of people are starting to see that
how can anyone buy that PS2 V.2 crap? Its ways to expensive, and its just an update of the PS2. Sooo i dont really care if people waste their money on that PS2 V.2 because that just means more online free play for me!
Diomedes said:
yes, this is why nintendo has now got a lot of third party development. Because develpment of the games on their system is easy and interesting :)

we will just have to find out what happens to the ps3, i think sony has gone too far with the technical abilities
Don't forget cheaper to produce games for. Once the Wii launches, and if (I mean when, but for political correctness I'll say "if") the Wii is successful, we may see even more developers coming to the Wii.

I mean, imagine you're a developer. You could partner up with PS3, work hard, and isolate the 360 lot, or you could go for the 360 lot and isolate PS3 lot. Or there's option 3, which is to go for the most consoles sold (since A LOT of people would either get Wii60 combo, PSWii combo or just the Wii itself), which is easier to program for (despite the Wiimote), cheaper to make games for, and generally popular (so the target audience isn't confined to 18-25 yr old males). I mean, we see it happening already...
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I guess it really depends what you're looking for in a console. I know its been said a million times (this is actually possible given the ammount of times its been said in forums, reviews, chat sessions, magazines etc) before but what the PS3 is doing has been done. I remember when I first saw Soldier of Fortune II I was about 16 I think and it looked so insanely good (not to mention the horrifically real gore, has there ever been so much disrespect for the human form?) I could not get over how nice the game looked (and to a degree I am still impressed by it now) but I'm over the graphical aspect of it. I've been Wow'ed by games many-a-time by impressive visuals, but if the game wasnt good then the euphoria would wear off pretty quickly.

My brother is a pretty strong believer that if a game looks good, it must play good too. I don't essentially agree with this.

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