Moving out desu~


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Finally I have chosen to go (again). Other sites seem more lively. Other sites. Like vgzero, Retro Gamer(hay look a forum with people that like old games as well), one site that I cant list on here due to the 18+ content, myanimelist (yeah I went back on there as the anime section on here is pointless and its not to bad if you look past half the members), Phantasy Star online (via the schthack server names DAVE, Etna and The Owl) and a few others that I shall go to when I can be arsed
So see you on them (Ok maybe not as one is funny and the other allows me to get away with posting weird drawings with un-descriptive titles)
Looks like the mods have all but lost interest as well (thanks to a owner of that other site). Up yours for spoiling a site that was good (Ok COD fags have spoiled it a bit, but they can be contained if the mods where on here).
Logging out for the last time soon, but worry not as I can be contacted via the means of the internets.
(Yeah theres my site, Tiwter, MSN those other sites and not forgetting all those games events I go to (and the pub))
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"Thanks to the owner of that other site"

Neuro is not a traitor. ion administrates tons of other forums, so he has no time to administrate this one (which he might lose intrest in those as well). Wiichat Forums was about to die anyway. You disrespected Neuro. Why? Because he killed Wiichat? I don't think so. The admins of Wiichat obviously lost intrest, then the mods lost intrest, that is not Neuro's fault.

If, right now, there were some LOYAL STAFF that wouldn't just let Wiichat die (yes, ion, YOU), then Wiichat would have been still booming. But no, the staff has FAILED to do that, and they LEFT US. You call Neuro the 'killer of Wiichat?' That's a lie. ion and the others have killed it themselves.

ion must make the 2nd staff. He should permet other users into Admins. Other users into Mods. I hope to be a mod. I won't let Wiichat die.

@ion: If you are reading this, do not take this as disrespect. But, it is YOUR responsibility to take care of Wiichat. I KNOW you administrate other forums. Neuro told me. But if you do not have the strength to take care of Wiichat, then you must make another staff who will. You can't just let YOUR forum die.
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  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Well you people seem to of forgotten what time of year it is.
Even if I did do it a bit earlier than usual.
(And reveal it a bit earlier)

I think its time to reveal something that was hidden in the text.

I shall get out my bold marker
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