New Halo Anime Series in 2010

Yeah I've herd about this

Don't think I will watch it as well as they will probably be shoehorning a plot into it
Er... I'll watch the first episode and save a bunch of Hi-res scans so I can make more signatures. Who knows, it could turn out good... I doubt it, but there are always odd exceptions in life.
hmm sounds like something thats gonna fail... But lets just wait and see
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Since it's based on an American game and was featured on Xbox Live, yes, it's almost certainly coming to America.
As I said, probably won't watch. If the animation is good I'll save screencaps to do my work on.

Speaking of which, I have a whole load of mini-Hyakko and K-On! caps. Avatars ahoy!

I honestly have nothing much to say on this subject. The game is fun, in my opinion.

Edit: With careful viewing I've deducted:

Animation is alright.
Production I.G and BONES produce very good art, as always.
I have a feeling the I.G short will feature a different Spartan.

Casio part looks like Machinma with added Softglow effect.

4C is looking ok. Not enough proper shots to tell.

The Toei one looks BAD! Freaking Toei part fails so bad, imo.

As for shock value:
Of course I'm not surprised. Halo is a freaking whore... that just happens to be one of my guilty pleasures. I feel like the Anime medium suits Mass Effect more though.
That likely has to do with this.
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Halo kind of reminds me of a toilet in an office building. Somebody takes a ****, and doesn't flush. Somebody else thinks its funny, so they **** on top of that. Another person comes along, and does the same. Over time, the shitty toilet bowl gets a little less funny with each ensuing dump, until it finally overflows and Pedro the janitor has to clean it up, tells the boss, and then he yells at everyone. Then it's not funny anymore. Halo is like this. One series of perpetual dumps, one right after the other, leading to one overflowing bowl of **** that nobody wants to see anymore.
Yeah but ive seen worse game to anime adaptations
will we dont know what its going to be like so save the criticism for when they acturally release it ive seen it doesnt look to bad.
Halo kind of reminds me of a toilet in an office building. Somebody takes a ****, and doesn't flush. Somebody else thinks its funny, so they **** on top of that. Another person comes along, and does the same. Over time, the shitty toilet bowl gets a little less funny with each ensuing dump, until it finally overflows and Pedro the janitor has to clean it up, tells the boss, and then he yells at everyone. Then it's not funny anymore. Halo is like this. One series of perpetual dumps, one right after the other, leading to one overflowing bowl of **** that nobody wants to see anymore.

I think you're overreacting. It's a rather standard Sci-Fi story tacked onto a rather polarizing genre of games with the most braindead fanbase I've ever seen.

I had a lot of fun with the Campaign. It was fun to see this Sci-Fi story take it's course and it was all so colorful. Kinda like being on drugs in space. I'll likely play the new games that come along as well.

That said, the level designer should lay off the pot. Seriously, worse than Xen. I like the music though.

I just watched the first episode of this lil show. It's a 12 minute segment.

Story: While it was rather ineffective in the emotional department it wasn't quite Narmy either. It was kind of sad, but it was so short that I couldn't really have given a ****. Seriously, a squad of OSDT dudes are sent to a planet to snipe a Prophet's ass. They could have done so much more.

The squad are kinda freaked out, wary, and awed by their Spartan aide.
No comments are made about the fact that she's actually a chick(if you read the books you might have figured this one out before). The Reveal is just swept away. It seems like they're more surprised that she's even human, but even then it's really ineffective.

They cut that fight scene in the trailer by way of the baddie Grav Hammering himself away(no seriously, he sent himself flying) and the same bad guy became something of a catalyst for the ending.
He creeps up behind an oblivious Mr. bitchy hot-shot. Spartan notices at the last second, gets their head repeatedly slammed in by the GravHammer Brute, who somehow isn't flying away this time. The rest of the squad awkwardly dogpile the Brute and big guy presumably(cuts away to big guy's face) shoots the hell out of it's face. The Spartan chick reveal happens, tells hot-shot to snipe the Prophet, hot-shot flawlessly snipes the Prophet, she dies. Hot-shot feels like an asshole. I don't care.

The Characters: There's the obligatory cocky arse hot-shot, who does not deserve Spike's haircut, that gets his food for thought by the end. Not quite shot down a peg, but still he seems to be less of a lil gabby ***** by the end, thankfully.
There's a big guy who does big guy things.
There's another guy who seems to be the higher up dude and has a character design I like, but lacks any personality whatsoever.
The Spartan is very robotic-like until the end. Still, very little personality. Kinda sad considering the books had some more detail on who I believe this character is.

There's a wannabe dude who always wants to sit by the cool main squad guys at their table. Apparently Space Military is like High School and in that case our main characters would be The Plastics. Still, the guys a dick and they throw apples at him. Haha, so funny... not really.

The story played out and the writers wasted too much time on nothing and rushed the emotional torque at the end. The lack of the aforementioned fight scene takes out all the action except for the end, which is pretty disappointing in several ways by the end.

Asthetics: Animation was pretty great. Relies too much on the stylistic soft gradient with the characters. Still, the character design was solid. The scenery was pretty nice. The voice-acting was alright, but the sync was craptacular. BGM left no impression whatsoever. Not bad, not great.

Comedy: Mildly entertaining bits, but nothing funny to fill up all of the nothingness. The parts where the Spartan is always saving hot-shot's ass are amusing.

Pet Peeve: You got a bunch of guys sitting around a table for at least three minutes of a twelve minute segment and they are absolutely BORING! The mission is poorly played out in terms of storyline. Not enough beautiful scenery is shown. Instead they show armored guys advancing stealthily for much longer than they needed to and the dialogue is scarce and boring. You've got amored, helmeted guys gabbing about **** no-one cares about for another 6 minutes. Seriously, give the Spartan more time, or the scenery, or the action, or even the enemies.

I liked it enough to stick by, but it's very average.

I will still look into it and watch the rest. Twelve minute segments aren't too long.
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I rewrote my little review. The first episode was boring.

I just plain out hate this idea
Waste of time on this anime that's most likely gonna suck
Mainly only guys r gonna watch this (especially if it stars ZSS alot)
May turn out to be another perverted anime (I dun think this so much)

Girl on my tiny Facebook list won't stop fangasming about the 'hot' hot-shot. Partly, why I was pressured into actually watching it. In fact my Facebook conversation now is just her fangasming about the artwork. Plese... help me.

It's not too long and it's pretty average overall. I picked at it a bit much before, but there were highlights. The Spartan saving hot-shot was always slightly entertaining and became even more humorous to me with the end-reveal. Wasted potential there though.

Not ero in the slightest. If anything they're trying their best to avoid any sort of femnazi outcry. It's Western endorsed so I'm not surprised.

ZSS? Huh? Like that ZSS?

If you aren't a Halo nerd then this series won't do much for you. Seriously, no torque action or anything. I feel bugged, even as a person who read Reach, that this story was played out so badly.
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