Nintendo Ambassador Promotion - 500 Wii Points free for new Wii Shop users


WiiChat Member
Jan 25, 2010
500 FREE Wii Points - Nintendo Ambassador Promotion

Hey guys, how's it going?

There's an official Nintendo promotion going on which I discovered not long ago that gives Wii owners a chance to gain 500 Wii points to spend on games and such. It's not a scam, and you can google it to confirm if it's true or not, but to keep in line with the rules on the forums I won't be posting any links, but feel free to PM me.

How it work is you must have a Wii which has recently, or not yet connected to the Wii shop channel in the last 30 days or so. All you need to do is visit the Wii Shop Channel and make an account (free of course) and it's fairly quick and simple.

On the first page in the bottom left corner there will be a button that says "Connection Ambassador Promotion". All you need to do is click it and
select "Person who has helped" and enter my friend code:
3704 9099 3849 4390.

It will ask for a quick survey unfortunately, but it it's fairly short. After that, post your own friend code in the thread and I'll do the same on my console, and we'll both recieve 500 Wii Points to spend each. You can of course repeat this and get more friends to do it, so spread the word!This is a great way to get your collection of Wii games started, and won't take more than 5 minutes to

do. Well, have a nice evening guys, and remember to PM if you need any help or would rather keep your friend code private.
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Say, my ambassador stuff expired already, but I'd still care for some Wii Points, if you add as the person who helped instead.
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sorry mate I've been on the channel for longer than 30 days so it wouldn't work

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