Nintendo Switch 9.0.0 update and not sure can be hackable


WiiChat Member
Jul 2, 2019
Today, Nintendo Switch 9.0.0 just released, The newest system update for the Nintendo Switch has dropped. Version 9.0 is now live and comes with a couple new features. The biggest feature added is the ability to check invites on your user page. Meaning if a friend has invited you to play a game with them it’ll show up on your invite menu. The feature is currently not available to use yet but it seems that with the Switch lite on the horizon this might be a feature that will be implemented into games such as Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros real soon. Another notable feature is alarm notifications which state that alarms can be checked or deleted which is probably for parents who want to limit their children’s time on their Nintendo Switch.

For hackers, the team xecuter said: You know what System update means for CFW. Please refrain from updating to what will most likely be 9.0 until SX has been updated. Make sure you're on airplane mode, stealth mode is on, your nephew isn't using it, whatever you need to do so that it doesn't "accidentally" update. We cannot do anything to help anyone until SX is updated.

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