Official Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [Reflex Edition] Topic

wouldnt it be 5 ppl max cuz u can only hold 10 in a party also ill go for US im not that good at leading ppl
Hyper post: i have a new best game 27 kills 2 assist & 1 death my kill streak went from 21 to 24 that means i killed 24 without dieing
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  • #486
Nice. Prinplup, you wanna join the tourny?

And no, the max is 6, because that allows for some "unfairness" in the matches. Because in real life, most wars aren't very fair or evenly matched.

I hate how people hate the USA that live in different countries, and talk like they could destroy us. Right now in real life, there is no country in the World that could take down the USA in a war. Were so much more advanced, its not even funny. The only country that comes close is China, but they build Quanity, not Quality. Lets say they have x3 tanks as us, well one of our Abrams tanks can take down 3 of theres all by itself.
Then you take into consideration that we have Air Superiority and Naval Superiority, no country stands a chance. Sadly, ALL of our allies are forced allies except England. Which means that England is the only country that WANTS to be our ally, all the others are forced. Personally, I think WW3 is on the brink of happening, and when it does, it will be the final World War. This War will eliminate all hates and dislikes for other countries. It will last 27 years.
I think the last countries remaining after the war will be America, England, France, Germany, Japan, Russia and India. Then we'll all form a Human Alliance, and work our way into the Space Age. I always believed that we shouldn't divide our own species up into sections. We shouldn't divide by religion, skin color, or beliefs. We should, and should have always united ourselves as Humans. One race.

When WW3 does break out, I want to be the one who helps America win. I want to invent some revolutionary guns, and weapons. It may sound a little far-fetched, but its my dream. I love America so much, that I couldn't stand to see us fail in a war. I've got some friends who will be going into the military, likely when WW3 breaks out, and one of thems my best friend. I want to make America's Military so advanced, that no one can even touch us. Just
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  • #489
You see, thats the kind of thing that makes people lose faith. Have we died of Nukes yet? No. Your just making an assumption. Anything is possible right now. What makes you think that because the World is the bad way it is now, it will always be like that? Who's to say in 10, 15, or even 20 years, the World could be completly turned around. All it takes is for America to remove ONE Nuclear Warhead, and then every other country removes one of there. The World isn't as bad as you think, its bad, but not that way the media makes it seem like. I firmly believe Humans will never become extinct. As long as we may live, until Jesus comes back for his believers. Until that day comes, Humans will thrive on Earth and Space. Don't look at the World from a War and poverty perspective, look at it as a technology revolution perspective. 20 years ago, we didn't even have computers. Now we have touch screen apps the size of your hand. 40 years ago, we didn't have cars. Now were already reaching limits like 300 mph, and developing flying cars. In 1903, the first plane was invented. Now, over a hundred years later, we've reached Quad-Sonic and above rates. We've created Stealth planes, and we've even broken out of our Earths atmosphere and breached into Space. Your calling us failures? Now were even beginning to develope inivisble suits. If the World would put aside ALL of the differences, and hates, and we united as one race, we would thrive. We would litterally plunge into Space. We would have technology, that at this rate, would be available 300 years from now. All it takes is one country, to do the right thing.
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your writing to much & what the hell are you talking about? i would actually enjoy primitive life rather than urban "modern life" but thats just me
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  • #491
Its a sad thing that it takes wars, blood, and death to put aside countries differences. Do people really still believe that if I beat you in a war, then I'm right and your wrong? Does it really matter? The World has problems. Global Warming, the Ice Caps are melting, obesity, a World Recession, were on the brink of WW3, and the world itself is losing faith. Is that really something we can't overcome? It might seem impossible now, but it really isn't. Its only impossible when you dont have faith. Its not like Humans have never encountered problems before, and our ancesters found ways to survive. Why can't we? Maybe 100 years from now, people in the future will look back, loving us, for finding a way out of this mess, and re-setting the path to follow that our ancesters left behind. Why can't people just get off their lazy butts, put down the Big Mac, and do something? Were all in this together, and we always will be. Nobody seems to realize this, and when they do, it might be to late.
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  • #495
Really? I'm not debating, I'm just speaking the truth. I want people to realize this. How will this be effective, if it stays locked in my mind. I want people to know. People like you, who think the world is already doomed, and were all going to die of Nukes. It pisses me off to listen to somebody like you, who trys to act like he has no idea what I'm talking about. Who tries to act like were already dead. Who doesn't even care, or try. I just want people to know.