Official Halo 3 Discussion Thread


That Canucks Fan
Dec 27, 2006
Wii Online Code
This thread is for the discussion of the upcoming title Halo 3. Even though there are already vast amounts of threads regarding this game I have found that each thread discusses a different aspect of the game so I hope to end it by making a thread for a discussion of everything about the game. Also I'll be including information and videos about the game as well.

Gameplay Footage

Click above link for video!

TFF Exclusive Halo 3 Epsilon Video
Posted on Friday August 24 2007 by MAYH3M

As Halo 3 draws closer, we get on the biggest of Bungie's nerves. I don't mean that in a good way, but the community must get their daily news, whether Bungie likes it or not. Today, we've recieved a compiled video of Exclusive scenes from the Halo 3 Epsilon video. The scenes are all captured by the Saved Films Feature, and are not recorded with a cell phone. If you've been living under a rock for the past couple weeks, the Halo 3 Epsilon is the final Beta Build produced by Bungie for testing Microsoft and Bungie employees.

The Scenes you will see in this video include never before seen footage of the UNSC Hornet in action, a Cinematic Video from Campaign on Tsavo Highway, and a neat demonstration of using Forage and the screenshot feature on Snowbound.


In this video, you see the Hornets mobility, its firepower, showing that it is a valiant enemy to the Covenants Banshee. Also, demonstrated is the mysterious Gravity Hammer and its sheer power on every strike that you make with it. It simply destroys a Hornet in two swings.


While none of us have actually "played" Tsavo Highway, we can only guess that the Cinematic takes place before what was seen in the E3 2006 Trailer. Forge will revolutionize Custom Games forever by letting you change spawn points, weapon spawns, weapons, vehicles, and other sorts of objects. In this video, The users simply piles a large number of explosives together and sets them off with a new type of Covenant Cannon. He uses the Saved Films feature to slow down, pause, zoom in, and rotate the action.

New Halo 3 Map


Australia, August 15, 2007 - IGN AU just came out of interviews with Lars Bakken (Multiplayer Designer) and Frank O'Connor (Writing Lead) at Bungie. Straight from Lars, here's the description of the newest map, 'Narrows':

"It's a Forerunner structure. It's embedded in this cliff wall and it's a bridge. Imagine the - if you're familiar with Halo 1 - imagine the bridge from Assault on the Control Room, expanded, and made for multiplayer, so it's got multiple levels and each side has kind of a dug in section, and it's mirrored so on one side of each of the bases there's actually a Man Cannon, and if both sides take it at the same time they'll actually meet in mid-air, which is pretty cool.

"There are multiple areas that you fight over; there are some power weapons in the centre of the map. I'll give you guys a heads-up right now - there's actually a rocket launcher on top and a shotgun on the lowest level dead centre of the map, so when you guys play it tonight you'll have a little extra edge on the competition…"

Link to the article:

More images are included on the site.

Leaked Instruction Manual

New Equipment

Thats right, more halo 3 updates with gadgets and doo-hickeys....


Flare: A piece of equipment that blinds anyone who sees it (the range is unknown to the public). They do say, though, that it will blind long enough to allow you to get close to an enemy if you have a short range weapon and are not at short range. Clearly this tool could cause complete madness in close spaces. Introducing the blind kill!

Invincibility: Brutes now have a temporary invincibility power in campaign mode. Apparently this ability will make seldom appearances in multiplayer. No details yet, but I anticipate that this “god” ability will not make its way into competitive game types.

Regenerator: The power drainer’s opposite, it recharges players’ shields within its range. An example of its many uses: drop it in a hill and remain invincible unless you get one-shot killed. Keep in mind, though, it regenerates friends and foes alike.

Radar Jammer: “Tricks enemies with false radar images and fake shield ticks to simulate random, phony enemy attacks”. This item will be effective in FFAs; most hardcore game types do not use radar, so its efficacy will be, well, limited. The potential to cause complete havoc in a FFA game exists with this item, though. Imagine dropping it on a small map and having it affect almost everyone in the game. Crazy.

Maps, Vehicles and Weapons

Guardian: Spiritual successor to Lockout. The map has been moved from its snowy, desolate world to a forgotten Forerunner structure with natural growth. “Shiny, metallic paths melt into giant tree stumps, overgrown vines crawl up man-made towers…” Leaked images of Guardian have floated around the internet only to be removed promptly. Look for some definitive shots in the next few weeks. Bungie said that while the level is not a “port of Lockout” it does maintain the original's size.

Epitaph/Sandtrap/Last Resort: All three of these have been discussed previously. Sandtrap, the largest map ever, features more vehicles on a single map than ever before. Last Resort is Zanzibar. Epitaph is another Forerunner structure with ominous, indoor lighting and tall ceilings. Unfortunately, from EGM’s screenshots, we cannot gauge the size of either Guardian or Epitaph. Seven maps have now been confirmed for Halo 3’s release. Expect a few surprises and, if EGM are correct, probably 10 or 11 in the final version.

The Elephant: What can you say about this thing? It is a gigantic vehicle and a mobile base. Bungie calls it a “human recovery and mobile operations vehicle.” About a dozen people can hop on or in this thing and, apparently, it is indestructible and “has a mounted turret, can respawn troops, holds your home flag and is the return point for the enemy flag.” The idea behind this structure is actually brilliant because it means if you can get this thing to move across a large map, you can shorten the distance you have to run the flag in order to capture it.

Prowler: “This brute craft holds a driver, a man on a forward-mounted turret, two passengers on the side and looks like a jet turbine engine on a sled.” Enough said.

The Brute Chopper: We’ve seen this one before. It is a one man brute motorcycle with a gun on it, pretty sweet.


Hornet: Marine aircraft capable of dogfighting with banshees in campaign mode. EGM think it will make a multiplayer appearance.

The Fourth Grenade: I am not sure what this mystery could possibly be and EGM said Bungie were keeping quiet. Somehow, though, they discerned the possibility of a fourth grenade is very real. Any speculation?

Mauler: A dual-wieldable brute shotgun that has less power than the human shotgun. They do not talk about its rate of fire, how much ammo it has or how much less powerful it will be. Design Lead Jamie Griesemer had this to say, “If you had a dual-wieldable shotgun and a regular shotgun and they did the same damage, you’d never use the regular one.” Very true.

Gravity Hammer: Based on the weapon of Tartarus, Halo 2’s final boss, the hammer does a lunge similar to the sword but it has a proximity effect. Essentially it does area damage and, because of this, can shoot grenades back to their thrower or send a vehicle toppling over. It will be very cool to see this thing in action. There are many questions: How much damage does it do? How far is the range? How accurately will it send back grenades? How precise must your timing be to use it affectively?

Note: More information will be added over time. Also please refrain from posting "Halo rox" etc. By posting short messages of "I love Halo" all you're doing is spamming the thread and or threads already made. Which really isn't necessary.
Um jsut to say the manuals for fake and i know a whole bunch more info ill tell youll if i got time to psot(bungie forums lol)
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halo sucks

Take your fanboyism for somewhere else. I, along with the rest of the Xbox 360 users really don't want to hear it. Oh and please try and avoid spamming this thread..
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nice thread, but one simple question...on one of my forums on halo 3 u said u would rather prefer sport games like NHL and why have u spent probly hours on making this post?
spartan syntax ddint type it(no offense syntax) but he just quoted stuff from another site that they typed :]
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Even though I may prefer sports games I still enjoy playing games such as Halo and Gears of War. Also as mentioned above the info was taken from various sites.
oo i hope everyone has the "Halo Vibe" because i sure do...O jeez just talking about is tense renching...(uh...shakespeare?) I pre-ordered it. The graphics are mind blowing..At least the lighting.. Its better than Bioshock and Gears in my eyes..definetly more beautiful. And multiplaya makes me [slobery/]drool[slobery]
I prefer Metroid Prime 3 a million times over this...and Metroid is not my favorite so that's saying a lot.
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The game hasn't even been released yet so I don't know how you can compare a released game to an unreleased game. Also all you're doing is trolling so I suggest you stop. If you don't like a certain system or game that's fine. However by trolling threads by posting messages to the similar ones above all you're asking for is someone to flame you.
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Gettin a 360 soon as I can afford one, can't wait ^_^

Just a question.. do you think they'll be bringing out a sorta box set with the three games that you'll be able to buy like all together at some point?

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