Official Photo Album

Whoah Emma, my Mother would kill me if my wall looked like that.
Its hard enough getting posters up on my wall.

@The eclipse comment, I can see it now from my Window.
Its pretty neat.
Hahahah, her mother is making her take it down. >_<

Hmmm, I think I have a total of...0 pictures of me on this computer...I should really get that Adam:Emma ratio up. D:
Deanis said:
DT did you get pics of the eclipse?

My tripod was goofed up, hahaha, I shot a few handhelds (which are decent considering) - the Eclipse thread has some pics Mitch shot which look great. Also posted one from a Vette buddy from south Florida, which is F'in amazing!

I'll go through some of mine, see if I can clean any up enough.
Thought this was funny. :p
