Quality of Reviews: Gamespot vs. IGN

IGN are a cut above. As a PC and Wii gamer I hate the Gamespot reviews - never seem to hit the spot for me and I rarely agree with them.
With scarface for example, I've played the game and it's sooo much fun. Not only that, the controls are soooooo well layed out for this type of game, so to see that gamespot actually said the controls were poor proved to me how terrible their editors are at playing and reviewing games. Gamespot = garbage
Ign is actually the website that comes closer to the average ranking you'll find on gamerankings.com and ign's reviews read much better.
IGN is awesome for reviews, everywhere BUT the wii section, the Wii section is bias and they give high scores to almost everything where they arent deserved
For the Wii, go to GameSpot, 5.8 i say is an extremely accurate rating, its a very old port, tacked on motion controls, no updated graphics when they could be updated, gamespot is right, ign is being bias, with those cold hard facts i just stated there is no way you could give a game like that over 8.

you guys are all probably just saying IGN cause they scored it higher and you like the game, sure its a great game, but its a review compared to its other versions since it is a port, it has so much more potential, but on a console with hardly any good games, sure, its a game youd love
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If you dislike the Wii so much why are you on a Wii forum? All you've done on here is rundown everything Wii related. I'm not a Nintendo fanboy by any stretch, I owned a PS1 and PS2 exclusively the last two generations, however your dialogue is getting old.
arcticreaver said:
back in the day i still remember when IGN was free. as in everything. those were the days.

i would pick IGN over Gamespot. IGN just has a more professional feel to it.

I remember when IGN was N64.com. Well, at least the Nintendo part started there. Black background, white letters, red accents. Those were the days.
both review sites suck. If you look at gamespot go by the USER REVIEWS and USER RATING. IGN is actually worse than Gamespot. Just understand that if a company slips one of these websites a bit of extra cash, they will get a good review regardless. Thats they type of business they are in.
Lol Shift is so right....
User Reviews are the best or maybe you should just look at the Written review predict what score it should get yourself. Ignore the score cause I been thinking Microsoft be slipping money to them sites on a regular not cause of the reviews but cause of GS's top ten list always having so much 360 games on it unlike IGN's which goes by the amount of people veiwing a certain thing.
BDAOutlaw said:
Lol Shift is so right....
User Reviews are the best or maybe you should just look at the Written review predict what score it should get yourself. Ignore the score cause I been thinking Microsoft be slipping money to them sites on a regular not cause of the reviews but cause of GS's top ten list always having so much 360 games on it unlike IGN's which goes by the amount of people veiwing a certain thing.
well i dont know about gamespot but on ign, for all the top 360 games, the user review scores and the site review scores are always very close.
what 360 games are you talking about? cause your probably just being jealous, cause the only recent m$ published game i can think of is Crackdown...
dunno if you got me or not

but I was just saying that the Top ten list on Gamespot down the bottom has the Majority of the Multi-Platforms under a release for XBOX 360 plus theres the 360 only games

and IMO thats good Advertising for XBOX so they might be slipping them some change.....

but It don't seem like that right now check me in a few....yah im probably jealous my bad

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