Quick question about buying from Playstation network.


Where is your god now?
Aug 13, 2007
Wii Online Code
ok, simple question, i am getting a $20 playstation card tomorrow probably, and i have never bough anything from the online store.

So today i was looking at things i could buy, and saw burnout paradise or "$19.99" or so it said. I later clicked on it, and it said the total with taxes would be $22.59.

would i still be able to buy it with a $20 dollar playstation card since i will most likely be playing the taxes when i buy it from the store?

can anyone answer that question for me? i really dont want anything else but burnout paradise at the moment from psn, so i would be very dissapointed if i couldnt get it.
yep PSN sucks, i guess that's how they can make up for having a free service though. xbox live doesnt charge tax on downloads or anything like that.

that being said, ask somone with a credit card to buy it for you and give them cash. i love PSN but i have to say the whole charging tax thing is really lame on they're part. luckily i have a mastercard and dont need to worry about the PSN cards.
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wow, so i would need to buy a 50 dollar card to buying freaking burnout paradise?

im better off buying the reatil game
Yours are taxed?! Wow, ours aren't over here, the price we see is the price we pay. Well, they might be taxed, but it's included, so things are still like £19.99 rather than weird prices.
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what the hell.

im not used to this, its supposed to be you the europeans that get the **** end, not the north americans.

what is going on!?
$19.99 < £19.99, hell even $22.59 < £19.99, so we're still paying more =(
ok, simple question, i am getting a $20 playstation card tomorrow probably, and i have never bough anything from the online store.

So today i was looking at things i could buy, and saw burnout paradise or "$19.99" or so it said. I later clicked on it, and it said the total with taxes would be $22.59.

Where do you live? Country and state?

I'm in California and they don't charge taxes for me in the PSN Store.

yep PSN sucks, i guess that's how they can make up for having a free service though. xbox live doesnt charge tax on downloads or anything like that.

This is a nonsensical answer on several levels.
First, you're confusing the PSN Store with the PSN service. The PSN Store is simply where you buy stuff, it has nothing to do with online multilplayer for games.

Second, taxes are a federal, state, and local government issue. Sony can't
just choose to add on a tax just for the kicks. Companies don't keep the taxes on purchases, that money is passed along to whatever government levied the tax. Sales tax is not kept by Sony in order to help pay for the PSN service.

Third, if Sony is required by law to collect sales tax from a person in a particular location, then Microsoft would be required to follow the same laws and charge the tax as well. Taxes for online purchases depends mostly on where the purchaser is and what states the store has a physical location. For example, living in California I can make an online purchase from a company in Florida and pay no sales tax. But if I'm ordering from a company in California, I would have to pay state sales tax.
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im not from the states.
Im from Ontario Canada, the psn cards just arrived here.
I would be paying taxes when i buy the card from EB games or whereever i get it. Do you think they will charge me even more taxes when i redeem the card on my ps3?
Wow, that sucks. I didn't think they charged taxes for online downloads. I've bought a couple games and DLC off of the store already. There are quite a few great PSN exclusives, but yeah it looks like you'll have to buy the $50 card.

Like mentioned before, do you know anyone with a credit card that you could pay back? And if you do ever get Burnout, tell me how it is, I've wanted to get it but was afraid it wasn't worth it.
I've got Burnout, hard copy though, and I can tell you it's a really fun game! There's quite a lot to be done like, and that's without the numerous DLC packs which look excellent (can't be arsed buying any though, lol). Online is funny as fuck as well, especially if you're on with someone you know. It's boss just driving round having a laugh.
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yeah, my plan was to download it and let a couple buddies download it from me so we can play together.
but apperantly that isnt happening

manufan, if i can download it with the 20 dollar card, i could just let you download it from me if you want
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Where do you live? Country and state?

I'm in California and they don't charge taxes for me in the PSN Store.

This is a nonsensical answer on several levels.
First, you're confusing the PSN Store with the PSN service. The PSN Store is simply where you buy stuff, it has nothing to do with online multilplayer for games.

Second, taxes are a federal, state, and local government issue. Sony can't
just choose to add on a tax just for the kicks. Companies don't keep the taxes on purchases, that money is passed along to whatever government levied the tax. Sales tax is not kept by Sony in order to help pay for the PSN service.

Third, if Sony is required by law to collect sales tax from a person in a particular location, then Microsoft would be required to follow the same laws and charge the tax as well. Taxes for online purchases depends mostly on where the purchaser is and what states the store has a physical location. For example, living in California I can make an online purchase from a company in Florida and pay no sales tax. But if I'm ordering from a company in California, I would have to pay state sales tax.

relax it was just a comment. pull ur head out of ur own ass and calm down.
yeah, my plan was to download it and let a couple buddies download it from me so we can play together.
but apperantly that isnt happening

manufan, if i can download it with the 20 dollar card, i could just let you download it from me if you want

Thanks man, it's nice of you to offer.

Speaking of which, is it true that Sony allows you to download a game you bought off of the PSN on 5 different PS3's? It doesn't make sense to me because they're losing money when only 1 in 5 people who own the game pays.
relax it was just a comment. pull ur head out of ur own ass and calm down.

You're the one who put forward incorrect information in an attempt to slam Sont and promote Microsoft. I'm simply correcting your information.
You're the one who put forward incorrect information in an attempt to slam Sont and promote Microsoft. I'm simply correcting your information.

i wasnt slamming or promoting anyone, if you must know ive been a sony fanboy since the ps1.

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