

WiiChat Member
May 25, 2006
I know it won't happen, but how would you react if Microsoft allowed Rare to work on a new Perfect Dark game for Wii? Or even GoldenEye?
MP3 said:
I know it won't happen, but how would you react if Microsoft allowed Rare to work on a new Perfect Dark game for Wii? Or even GoldenEye?
If Microsoft are serious about the "buy 360 and Wii!" angle, it may just happen. I think Nintendo have played this just right by saying "we're not competing with Sony or Microsoft", especially with such a low price, because I think it's almost expected nowadays for people to have more than one console. So, we may just Perfect Dark yet! (Or am I just being hopeful?)
Microft will say and do anything to get money though, they have a bad track record in that aspect. I can't see them doing anything to give any other company an advantage.
Perfect Dark Zero will be on Microsoft... but I don't think it'll be on Wii. About GoldenEye, that's a really old film now. XD
If that did happen I would be so happy I would never calm down it would be awsome but it is not going to happen.
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Think_Tank said:
Yeah, Im afraid I dont see any hope of a new Perfect Dark on the Wii as well... not with Rare under Microsoft ownership, that is...
Well, if Micosoft happened to buy Nintendo (LOL) then it could happen, but I don't see it happening for a very long time. I just hope they let bungie develop games for other systems 1 day.