RE4. Who Got It?

i might play re4 2day lately i been playing twilight princess
I was getting frustrated trying to combine my bullets with the gun until someone told me to shake the wiimote lol!
I really need a day where the house is empty for me to play this, or if I'm feeling brave a late night! :yikes:
yeah, i dont play at night lol. i heard on Ghost Hunters that when u play video games, that part of ur brain is still awake when u sleep, and u like move around and stuff when u sleep, and that's why they thought a kid's room was haunted. so i dont wanna think zombies are trying to eat me in the middle of the night, cuz i just might believe it!
Playing Doom late at night used to be creepy, and after a full day playing Gran Tourismo I used to go to bed with the cars going round in my head!
yeah, when i play nfs games, EVERYTHING is like a car..... i thought i saw cars on the pattern on my walll, i always thought i heard an engine running, and the thing i plug my electronics to in my room looked like the back of an Eclipse!
TortillaChip520 said:
yeah, i dont play at night lol. i heard on Ghost Hunters that when u play video games, that part of ur brain is still awake when u sleep, and u like move around and stuff when u sleep, and that's why they thought a kid's room was haunted. so i dont wanna think zombies are trying to eat me in the middle of the night, cuz i just might believe it!

hahaha thats cool. Better be eaten by zombies than be raped by them haha.
Shiftfallout said:
I cant understand why people would get excited over an old game. Because now its on the Wiii? thats just stupid.

Well many people are ecxcited about the virtual console and those are older than Resident evil 4. They also have different controls. Gamecube, Sideway Wii Remote and the Classic Controller. Why did I buy Ocarina of time? Because My brother broke my N64. So because I bought it for the Wii I can finnaly beat the game and try out the new controls and grip of the classic controller. I bet there are a bunch of people who had this happen to them also. Or theey just missed out on one of the greatest games of all time and wish to try it.

Oh and one more thing. Why are you upset? It's not like its a downgrade. It's an upgrade for crying out loud!

Oh and to awser the topic i'm not really in to the Resident Evil franchise.

Bite me.
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I only ever played RE2 and Code : Veronica X so this game is new to me, regardless of if its a port. Plus the controls swayed it for me.
Looks like its shifting a few copies!! and HMV out of stock!