

|Losing Faith Nintendo|
Dec 20, 2006
Throwin it up for the big SD.
I want to know who's giving me what when it comes to REP... some of the people on the boards are well total dipholes (nice way to put it) i'd like to know who they are. :ciappa: I mean serious why give a guy bad rep because he doesn't like pokemon? i mean.. are you serious.?
LyricistSoldier said:
I want to know who's giving me what when it comes to REP... some of the people on the boards are well total dipholes (nice way to put it) i'd like to know who they are. :ciappa: I mean serious why give a guy bad rep because he doesn't like pokemon? i mean.. are you serious.?
Well... It's definitely NOT me because I HATE pokemon too.
It's gonna take a lot of people to popularize rep. It doesn't really show either.

I liked pokemon back in the day, but I'm not gonna shoot you down for it...
At this time I really don't think there is any intention of letting members see who it is that repped them. The whole point of rep is to be anonymous, otherwise you can just PM people and give them positive comments.
If you think someone has negative repped you for a really stupid reason then your best bet is to PM i0n about it and see if it can get straightened out.
I would tell you to PM the mods but we really have no power over the rep system.
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thanks for the input guys... truly, nice to see some people take stock in fellow members...

hah yea, rep right now on this forum isn't really a big deal, but yep no joke i got hit with some red a while back because some dude didnt like that i bashed pokemon lol... eh i guess someones always going to abuse the rep :rolleyes:
this might be a dumb question, but I have been looking for my reputation, but can't find it, I just see the latest one which is only one, I am supposed to have 11 reputation points, where do I look?...
Mau said:
this might be a dumb question, but I have been looking for my reputation, but can't find it, I just see the latest one which is only one, I am supposed to have 11 reputation points, where do I look?...
Click 'Profile' at the top of your page and scroll down. You will see a section titled 'Latest Reputation Received'. This will show your 5 most recent reps and your point total.
I think slowly it's becoming more known. I mean look at the talk there's been about it recently..
Prez said:
Click 'Profile' at the top of your page and scroll down. You will see a section titled 'Latest Reputation Received'. This will show your 5 most recent reps and your point total.

well, it says I got 11 points, but I only see 2 reps... I guess we start with points??
wii_cammy said:
thanks for sayin
If that was directed at me, your welcome.
And to Mau's question about the amount of points we start of with, if I remember correctly, I think it's 10.
i ahve 4 messages

- one saying thanx

- one saying, very friendly guy

- one saying nothing

- and one saying YOUR A FAG ! ( most probally from young_link0700 )
Okay question.

Green - Positive
Red - Negative
Grey - Neither

Now I know how one gives the first two but how do you give somebody the grey one because when I press the rep button to give somebody rep I can only give positive/negative. So how come I keep getting just grey reps?
Grey reps are from somebody who has either negative or positive repped you. Only, they do not have enough rep to make your points move up or down (the amount that they can rep is less than one).
So whether they positive or negative repped you, you remain unaffected.

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