Resident Evil 5 question


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Jan 26, 2009
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after you beat the story you're allowed to use "infinate ammo". i put it on and...

no infinate ammo

is there some trick to the infinate ammo or is it just a trick itself?
I had the same problem on the xbox but i know now...

make sure you have bought the infinite ammo in bonus features
Turn it on under the special settings
and then turn it on when you start a level.

Hope that helps :)
yeah, you must first upgrade a weapon fully to unlock the bonus feature infinite ammo for that specific gun. then you have to use the points u earn in missions to purchase each weapons infinate ammo seperately. the gatling gun and sheva's bow come with unlimited ammo.
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Well thats gay. what about the Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher? You can't upgrade those weapons. How do they get infinate ammo?
Well thats gay. what about the Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher? You can't upgrade those weapons. How do they get infinate ammo?

you cant get it for the grenade launcher and the infinate rocket launcher you need to beat the game in under 4 hours.
Man thats gay, just like in RE4, you had to buy the Thompson for 2 million gold pieces & chit.

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