Should I get Ds???


Billy Talent is awesomest
Jun 20, 2007
Newfoundland, Canada
Hey, i'm a 13 year old kid who has a wii and 2 half decient computers and i'm thinking I should get a DS. I have to pay off 80 more dollars on my loan and then I can start saving for my DS. If I can't earn enough money i'll have to wait till christmas. My some what job pays 30 - 50 a week =( Will the DS be to old to get by christmas? Also my grandparents might let me keep the money from the loan. If so i'll have enough money by october. Whats your thoughts?

Also I think I should tell you why I want the DS, Preety much just Mario Kart Ds, Game N' Music and PictoChat. I'll probley use the alarm to. Once again, whats your thoughts?
I think you should purchase a DS Lite if you are going to purchase a hand-held. I don't think that there will be any more DS updates for a while, so you should be in good hands with the DS Lite.
Since most people own a DS, I don't think that it will be out of stock, but then again, since it is popular, you may want to check and reserve or something similar, just to be on the safe side. If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me. :)
If you travel alot or like to game on the go and have the money for it, why not go for it? DS is hands down the most innovative and probably the best hand held to hit the market. Will it be outdated anytime soon? Probably not for another couple of years...but even then it can still offer you plenty of fun and enjoyment, especially when you can't play your Wii.
Well .. Yes! I got it about 1 week ago and i'm super happy!
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Well If I do find a way to get the DS i'm getting Games N' Music so that I can have a MP3 player =) plus a video player and photo viewer. I'll also try to make a collection of working nes and snes games.
yeah, get a DS Lite. i got a Phat cause it was 50 bucks cheaper, now im regretting beign so stingy. the phat is a tank but its ugly as heck lol.

its so much better than any other handheld, i think youll really enjoy it.
Pictochat is the most useless mode ever. You have to be within 60 feet to talk to them!!
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well i don't live in a big city so i can't work anywhere good so the only thing I could do is pick berries, blueberries. Its hard work and i realy hate it. I got sick to so i had to stop but thank god i got good news. It two and a half years i'm getting a job where i get 3000 dollars for 10 weeks of work. 5 days a week, 8 hours a day and the best thing is that theres not enough work so you only work like 5-6 weeks in total with full pay=) I just wanted to know if DS is the way to go for a christmas present.
zurukea said:
well i don't live in a big city so i can't work anywhere good so the only thing I could do is pick berries, blueberries. Its hard work and i realy hate it. I got sick to so i had to stop but thank god i got good news. It two and a half years i'm getting a job where i get 3000 dollars for 10 weeks of work. 5 days a week, 8 hours a day and the best thing is that theres not enough work so you only work like 5-6 weeks in total with full pay=) I just wanted to know if DS is the way to go for a christmas present.

I'm confizzled.

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