So what's your opinion of Wii Fit?


Mar 15, 2007
Wii Online Code
Cuz some say that it doesn't worth that much money..(I heard it's about 60$)
People say that they would rather go to fitness center across the street.
If you're diligent enough to go there everyday, maybe you're right.
But not everyone's like that!
I don't even walk a single minute to exercise. Wii Fit is for lazy people like me..
I'd rather not do anything if I have to go out and workout.. But if I have Wii Fit in my livingroom, I will. Of course it won't be better than acutally going to the fitness center, but it's better than doing nothing!
And moreover, it's worth keeping it even if you don't play the Wii Fit becuz it's really good to introduce Wii to ur friends and family. Like Wii Sports!(Probably better than Wii Sports)
id rather buy that then singstar microphones and eye toy crap. At the very least its a fancy scale i can have in my bedroom to weigh myself :)
It is cheaper than any gym membership. The games it comes with will be fun and when devs get their hands on it and the SSX and wiiskate will increase the replay value. I for one will be buying it.
braschlosa said:
Complete Gimmick. Just another way for Nintendo to get you to buy more peripherals.

Maybe, but Wii Fit is not going to be the only game designed with the balance board in mind. Imagine any type of boarding game (skateboarding, snowboarding, wakeboarding, bla.) They'll probably do some interesting dance game interpretations too.
WiiDS said:
Maybe, but Wii Fit is not going to be the only game designed with the balance board in mind. Imagine any type of boarding game (skateboarding, snowboarding, wakeboarding, bla.) They'll probably do some interesting dance game interpretations too.
Speculation on your part. Can you show me a game that has been announced other Wiifit that uses the board? Its like the kongo drums for gamecube. Just because you COULD use it for other types of games doesnt mean it will be supported.

Ill give you an example. Dance pads on PS2 were extremely popular but only dancing games used them. Why didn't we see a track and field game or why didnt the Time Crisis series support them?
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Actually I was really surprised to see people so skeptical toward Wii Fit. Also I wasn't talking about this whole balance board potential. All I wanted was ur opinion on "Wii Fit", not balance board. And since the only reason you guys like Wii Fit is because the possibilities balance board has, guess almost everyone's not like me. :p
cuz when I first watched Wii Fit video, I thought everyone was going to get it. For me, this simple exercising tool was sensational.

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